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Speak your heart don't bite your tongue.- aaliyah


I woke up and there was no sign of Steve anywhere. I got out of my lonely bed to go the bathroom to brush my teeth. I could still smell his scent on my t-shirt, it reminds me of old times when we did live together.

After brushing my teeth and thinking I threw on a brown pullover, some blue jeans, and Crocs. Knowing that I'm going to be talked about today I braced myself for my job and took a deep breath.

Walking into my job was like walking into hell. It was hot,messy, and horrible.

"Hello Daisy I see you aren't late like usual." Sandy said looking at her nails. Amela whispered something then they both started giggling.

"You know it's not like I can't hear you guys." I softly said.

"What?" Sandy stopped and looked at me all confused.

"You heard me." I spoke up a little bit. I sat at my desk taking out my flask that had Jack Daniels in it.

"Look at her she's drinking," Amela whispered to sandy who was now staring at me like I was a snack.

"Daisy I don't think Steve would like to hear about you drinking at work," she smirked.

Everything stopped. Steve? How did she know about my ex?

"Who's Steve?" I asked like I didn't know who he was.

"That handsome ex boyfriend of yours in that picture frame that you have on your desk. That's who he is, and I know all about you," She said walking over to me.

Tears rolled down my eyes.

"Is everything alright?" My boss Mrs.Labeur said walking in.

"Oh yes ma'am, Daisy was just telling me about her article," Sandy falsely smiled.

"Oh, Well we didn't come here to make friends. Here at vogue we work hard. Daisy I wanna see you in my office," Mrs.Labeur said.

I got up and wiped my face walking into her office.

"Daisy I've called you in my office today because i've really liked your work from the day you started this job and I think it's time for a raise. You've also earned yourself a promotion." She said handing me a manila folder.

"Yes ma'am thank you!" I said in excitement.

After our talk I went back to my desk to move my things.

"What do you think you're doing?" Sandy asked me.

I didn't reply.

Sandy didn't like that I was moving to the more "Respected side" and she wasn't.

"This isn't over," She mumbled.


He slipped my mind so much the rest of the day.
Couldn't get him out of my mind for a minute.

I still went home sad. How could Sandy know? That country bitch.

I finally got home and crashed, I was tired but bored.

I went to my kitchen and got my Hennessy from the refrigerator.

Maybe I'll just have one shot to celebrate my promotion.

Before I could drink the shot there was a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Syd."

I opened the door and seen her standing there with flowers.

"Syd what's this?" I asked her.

"Flowers.For.You.Girl." she giggled.

"Thanks but what are you up to?" I looked at her strangely.

"I need you to go to a party with me, Steve won't be there, it's just gonna be you and me. This Saturday," She said walking in and looking around.

"Have you been drinking?" She asked me.

"No, I was just gonna celebrate my promotion." ( Lie again girl)

"Oh well why not celebrate with me then!" Syd opened her arms.

She took the bottle of henny and poured 3 shots that were on the coffee table.

"1 for me,1 for you,and 1 for your promotion." Syd gave me a shot and chugged hers down.

I drunk it down the shot and took a deep breath.

"I still need you to go to this party with me," Syd said sitting the shot glasses down.

"Why? There's so many Instagram models and bitches but you choose me," I asked.

"I don't know,You're just more respectful," she shrugged her shoulders.

"Not after I what I did to Steve."

"Oh come on it was just a harmless kiss. It happened one time," she said carelessly, caressing my face.

"Yeah,one time too many," I hissed.

"Look I'm sorry I just can't go to that party with you," I added pushing her cold hand away from my warm cheek on my face.

When you're cold blooded it's in you. Cold blooded people always end up hurting the ones they love the most. Maybe I'm cold blooded, maybe I'm not fit to be here. Maybe I'm not supposed to be in love anymore, maybe someone has given up on me like Steve did. Maybe I don't exist.

"He wasn't there to help my pain." - Solange.

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