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Next day
I walked around the store humming pumped up kicks (by foster the people)  while shopping for groceries. I grabbed everything that would help me binge for tonight's Netflix series.

I stopped in the frozen aisle to get ice cream. As I was getting the frozen treat,I turned around and felt something that bumped into me.

"Daisy?" There stood Steve by my stroller holding mint chocolate chip ice cream.

"Yes?" I asked putting the tubs in my stroller.

"Hey um I thought I saw you, so I had to say something," he smiled.

"Oh okay," I said turning back around to get another tub of strawberry ice cream.

"Hey look I just wanna apologise for the other night," he said stepping in front of my cart.

What is he doing? I thought he hated me.

"Don't you hate me? Apologize for what?" I stopped the cart and stood there.

"My passive aggressiveness, let me just take your things to your car,"he suggested.

Knowing me, I agreed. We payed for everything we had and walked out to my car.

"So uh what are you uh doing?" He asked me.


"Why do you have all this food?" He asked scratching the back of his neck.

"Steve,I have to eat too," I rolled my eyes and sighed.

I got in my car and started it up while Steve put the carts back in line.

"Hey, I gotta stop by your house right quick, I left something."  He said looking in my window.

Steve trailed me all the way to my apartment. Walking in, Steve picked up his record collection I had bought him 2 years ago for Christmas.

He went out to his car to put his things up.

"Hey can I stay just a bit?" He asked.

He's really trying it. I'm trying to get over you but you wanna stay.

I grabbed some noodles and out them in the boiling pot of water I put on the stove before I left.

"So uh how's things been?" He asked me.

"You really want to ask that question?" I scoffed.

"Well I got a promotion and I still can't get over the fact that I'm a fucking bad person!" I stomped my feet.

"Look Steve if you're doing this to make me feel bad, then I'm sorry okay?!" I said looking him dead in his face.

He lightly nodded and took off his shoes.

"I just wanted to hang," he giggled.

We kinda had a love hate relationship since the year began.

"You know Steve I really wanted to talk to you so badly but you ignored me," I wiped a tear from my eye.

"Well I mean we weren't on good terms," he shrugged.

"Tell me why you want to hang now? Out of all these other days?" I stood in the kitchen entry way with my arms folded.

" I just wanted to see how your spiteful ass was doing!" Steve stood up getting in my face.

"Spiteful!?" I hissed with a confused expression on my face.

"When we were together I treated you like the princess you were but you acted like a spoiled bitch!" He said walking around with his hand on his hand and one hand on his hip.

I stood there with tears running down my face.

"Get out!" I pointed towards the door.

"I didn't mean it like that," he said grabbing my arm and hugging me like that.

"Stop it Steve! Stop with that confusing shit!" I said trying to push him off of me.

"Look I love you Daisy, we may not be on good terms but I love you. Just let me stay the night," Steve said leaving kisses on my neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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