In A Perfect World

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In a perfect world,
There wouldn't be drama.
There wouldn't be
"He broke up with _____"
Or "____ got knocked up"

In a perfect world,
People would know who
To love.
There would be no
Mind games or broken hearts.

In a perfect world,
People would all just get along.
You wouldn't see the fights in
The cafeteria or the news stories of terrorist attacks in far off places.

In a perfect world,
There would be no need for armies.
In class, you wouldn't study a terrible war with a terrible outcome. You wouldn't see families grieving over a pointless fight.

In a perfect world,
We would all have what we need.
There would be no orphans and there wouldn't be any children crying themselves to sleep on an empty stomach.

But this isn't a perfect world.
This world is cruel and unkind.
People are flawed and there will always be a fight. There will always be orphans and hungry children.

The fact of the matter is
That if people actually believe in a perfect world, if they actually try to make a difference, this world could be better. It may not be a perfect world, but it will be our world.

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