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Ayyy how ya diddly doin' my fellow weirdos, so if you haven't read the description this story was inspired by a FAB-fiction that HayumiJuno wrote, so if you've read that you'll see what I'm talking about, ENJOY.

  My name is (y/n). I'm sixteen years old and I have (e/c) eyes and (h/l),
(h/c) hair. First things first, I'm basically a hermit, Its just me, myself and my dogs. We live in my own house that I made with my dad. Where are my parents you may be wondering? Well they disappeared a few years ago, along with my little sibling brother, (b/n). God knows where they are. Although I try not to think about it (haha that usually ends in failure.) When my family disappeared everyone presumed them to be dead, so any money that my father and mother had was passed down to me. Which wasn't that much so of course I had to get a job, I worked at the only restaurant in town, a tiny little cafe called The Chikenchilada. Which is actually pretty clever if you think about it. I was a waitress/chef/janitor, I basically did pretty much anything that was required of me. My boss was stubborn and a neat freak, which of course made my job a whole fuck-ton harder, but he could be cool sometimes. Only one other person worked there and his name was Johnny, he's a douche just like most of the people in this town.

  I stared up at the ceiling of my rabbit hole, it's a tiny secret room just off of my actual bedroom. I love this place, it's so freaking small but that's the way it's supposed to be. In fact it's so minuscule that there's no floor to walk on, it's just a one person bed with a mini fridge resting on the shelf, along with tiny freezer built into the shelf. There was a large circular window with (f/c) curtains. The ceiling had lights nailed into it, the walls were covered with photographs and drawings. The walls were covered in different mixtures of colors created by paint. Yeah I drew all over the walls with paint, I'm not even going to try and explain what it's supposed to be.

The most peculiar thing about this room though was the hundreds of tiny dolls that hung from the ceiling, I had always been one to stich up random things, some of them aren't even dolls, just random shapes with faces that I had sewed together and stuffed. This strange little place I call the rabbit hole is hidden behind a closet. So here's how it works, inside the closet is a power box, when you open up said power box it unveils a outlet, this outlet can be opened to reveal a sliding door handle, when you use this handle the room is revealed. Now since I designed this house myself it would only be logical to place all sorts of hidden rooms in it that only I know about of course.

I could hear my Saint Bernard Lazee scratch at the closet door. I sighed and opened the entryway. She jumped into my lap and plopped down, she was an enormous dog, so she was incredibly heavy, but I didn't mind, cause she was fluffy as hell too. I laid back down with her and continued to stare at the ceiling while she lazily snored next to me. Since it's the weekend I was wearing my FNAF sweat pants and (f/c) sleeveless shirt. I love this place so much, it's the only home I've ever known, and ever will know.

After just laying for about an hour I decided to get up and check the trail cams. The trail cams are cameras attached to the trunks of trees, they automatically take pictures when movement is detected. I keep them around as security cameras or just to look at the wildlife, in case you didn't know already I live in this tiny little community about half an hour from town. About 80% of this place is forest, the leftover 20% is just a small bunch of houses hidden in the trees, and I'm pretty sure most of them are abandoned. So yeah this place is perfect for me. I owned a small piece of property here, it wasn't too huge, just enough to enjoy or walk or something, I dunno I don't really explore it that much. I slipped on my shoes and walked across the bridge to another part or the house. Now you may wonder why I have a bridge leading to my living room, well I'll tell ya why, it's cause I designed this house to be built in the trees. That's right. I LIVE IN A BADASS FUCKING AWESOM TREE HOUSE AND I LOVE IT. There were other bridges that led to other places as well, I have a guest room, a kitchen, a living room, my room and a bathroom. When it comes down to it though the house is actually pretty small, like apartment small. BUT IT'S IN THE TREES MUTHAFUKA SO IT'S TOTALLY FUCKING WORTH IT.

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