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Winter break was over and I was back at school with Lust, but of course before we left we stopped by my work at the Chickenchilada and set the toilet on fire. We were able to book it out of there in time before my boss caught us. Back at school me and Lust got our asses in trouble because of the stripper pole. Apparently the janitor was freshly repairing and cleaning the dorms over break and had discovered it. We were required to uninstall it and now we had detention for a few months, it was February, our last day. We also had to clean the entire school, which was a pain in the ass cause it was as big as a castle.

Me and him were washing the windows with stained rags, the sharp sense of chemicals stung my nose and burned my eyes but I ignored it. The faint smell of paper and ink could be sensed whenever I turned away.

"This sucks anus." I sighed

"Agreed." He said, sighing in unison with me,

"Man, I knew a stripper pole was a bad idea! Why am I such a pervert?..." he muttered

"Hey man I'm just as perverted as you. And besides... it was worth it wasn't it?"

"Hehe yeah it was."

We high fived each other and continued to wash.

About two hours after school ended which was about 6:00 we were finally done, our mentor, the janitor released us to our dorms.

All the leaves had fallen off the trees, covering the ground in a thick and crinkly blanket of reds, oranges, and yellows. Considering the time of year the sun was setting early as me and Lust walked back, this seemed to bath the sky in a swirl of red and orange. The air was crisp and cold, and seemed to pinch my nose every time a breeze rushed by, disturbing the silent slumber of the leaves.

We finally made it back, and collapsed onto our beds.

"Uuuuuggghhhhh" I groaned as I pulled out my phone and began texting Cross.

(Y/n): sup,

Cross: hey, how was your last day of detention?

(Y/n): sucked ass, but at least tomorrow I get to spend Kuching with you instead of us awkwardly sitting across of each other in class. :P

Cross: haha! Yeah, Gaster's a stubborn mother fucker huh? Ain't letting us move next to each other...

(Y/n): yeah but he's the dude that grades my papers so I'd rather not go against him.

Cross: yeah, well I'm tired as hell. I know it's only 6:05 but sleep calls to me, dog night.

(Y/n): hehe dog night.

I shut off my phone and tried to hide my blush, we've been dating for a few months now but I still couldn't get over how adorable he is. One night he accidentally texted me "dog night" instead of "good night" he got so flustered after this, I knew because I was watching him through his window. Okay okay I admit I can get a little stalkerish over him but he did the same to me when he was crushing on me. Ever since then dog night has just been our thing.

  I collapsed back on my bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

  That afternoon during lunch I met up with everyone during lunch, I thought only my group consisted of Sans AUs but apparently there were hundreds more, the cafeteria was crowded with different Sans AUs, many of them I did not recognize, so I just kinda ignored them and continued looking for my group. I had a box of Chinese takeout in my hand, eh what can I say? Lust and I were feelin' like it.

  "(Yyyyy/nnnnn!)" I heard a familiar voice from behind me, I then felt someone literally crash into me and pull me into a hug, whoever it was nearly knocked me over.

  "HEY! Who the f-! Oh hey Blue." I said as I turned around to see who it was, only to be met with Blues neon eyes.

  "YOU'RE BACK OMG!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!" He yelled in delight,

  "Hehe, it's good to see you too buddy." I said as I peeled him off my back and set him down

I patted his skull and scanned the cafeteria for my group, once I found them I walked over to them and instantly sat down next to Cross.

"Hey (y/n)!" He said while chowing down on his sandwich

  "Sup." I sad casually as I opened my takeout box and got my chopsticks, I let Cross taste some of my food and then we watched Error and Fell fight. Then. I got an idea.

  A devilish smirk spread across my face.

  "EhehehehehEHEHEHEHEHE..." I chuckled at the thought,


Yyyyyyep. Cliffhanger.


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