Remedy (book i of the Aid&Abet Series) (KnB) (by @ainraa)

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- Co-Leader Ariana and Staff's most voted fic of January 2017 -

conducted by Admin Ren // alien-king


This fanfiction is about a quiet and reserved girl named Iwanaga Misao, who has many doll-like features. She joins the Seirin Basketball Club as their manager. Before attending Seirin, Iwanaga attended Teiko with the Generation of Miracles, and all of them seem to know her.She seems to dislike the prodigy world and its "poisonous competition".


How long have you been writing and posting stories online?

A: For 3 years now.

What got you into fanfiction?

A: Ever since I started watching anime was when I got into fanfiction. Already having a Wattpad account before I started watching anime, I was looking for OHSHC fanfiction since I was so disappointed that there is only one season of the show.

How'd you come by Wattpad?

A: Okie, so, cringey story. Three years ago, one of my former friends was so infatuated with this guy, and me and some of my other former friends thought it was cute. When my former friend and the guy started dating, some of us made the joke of making a fanfiction of them, so I volunteered to write it. After seeing a portion of how I write was when I was then introduced to Wattpad by my other former friend so I can publish the fanfiction.

Long story short, I had to ask my dad to get me the app (an awkward situation), then published the fanfiction, then deleted it when I realized how cringey it was (and also because my former friend ended up breaking the relationship with the guy). (I also say former friends because I stopped hanging out with them the year after.)

What inspired you to write your fanfiction?

A: I was inspired by this really great KnB fanfiction Spark by @Nightblooming and also because of my old "cheerleaders in KnB" idea that I scraped up and recreated to make it better.

What type of fanfics do you like to read?

A: Anime/ Manga fanfictions. Before I used to read Young Justice fanfictions.

How often do you write?

A: I would write whenever something "good" (to me) comes to mind, so about hours on end everyday.

What device do you use to write? (Ex: your phone, tablet, computer)

A: My phone for mainly my one-shots and my laptop for mainly my OC fanfictions.

Do you have any writing tips to share?

A: Follow the flow of your own pace in writing; have a plot that you are capable to write. Also, make sure you are strong in grammar and punctuation.

Do you plan out your fics, wing it, or do a bit of both?

A: I do both. At first, I have a whole plan in my head, but when I finish writing a chapter/one-shot, I come to dislike it and completely wing it.

Can you give some words of encouragement for writers everywhere?

A: Write to feed your curiosity. Write because you want to satisfy yourself, not for others. Write in a style that you love and embrace. Write and have fun while doing it.

Writing may not seem to have as much effort as sports or music, but all it takes is as much dedication and hard work to see that effort.


I really enjoyed the story! I love the way Iwanaga was portrayed, and how she wasn't your typical female OC or a Mary-Sue. The descriptions were well used, and the grammar was pretty flawless. Iwanaga has this mysterious aura, and I can't wait to learn more about her! This fanfiction was one of those rare ones where a pairing with the OC wasn't noticeable or cliché right from the beginning. Chapters are quite lengthy. I suggest cutting a couple pages from each chapter, just to leave enough room for suspense and not overpower the story by using too many descriptions. So far, I do not see much room for improvement in the grammar section. This is just the beginning of the story, though. Can't wait to see more!!

I rate this an 8/10.  

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