Chapter 3-Friendship Calls

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So, chapter 3 is finally here! This chapter will be edited sometime in the future. :)


Sorry, I forgot to publish! :P


Chapter 3

I thought about my friends and family. Were they safe? Or did they become like them? I'm not really sure. My parents were working. And how about Peter? Where has he been? I haven't seen him at the house, so where is he? Maybe he's on his part-time job, or maybe he went to hang out with Railee and his friends? I don't know either.

I could call Melissa and the other girls, but the problem is, is there even any signal on my phone? After ten seconds, I realized that I didn't even bring my phone with me.

"What a lucky and exciting day," I said sarcastically. Seriously, why did I even forget my phone at times like this? I kept checking my pockets until I found it inside my jeans pocket. Well, that was close.

"Yes!" I said excitedly. I turned on my phone and while waiting for it to turn on, I turned on the radio while focusing on the road.

"A zombie outbreak is now at large in Crystalmount City. According to scientist Dr. Jennifer Dawson, the virus came from a man who drank an experimental liquid substance by accident at a laboratory somewhere located near Northwest Village," the reporter said.

"What the?! Northwest Village?! That's, like, the other side of the city! How come it spread that fast?" I said, clearly surprised. No, really. I mean, in the books I have read and movies that I have seen, the virus doesn't spread that fast. Oh well, this is real life, and there's nothing I can do about it now.

"On the other hand, there is still a place not yet infected, and that is in the Pinetown Stadium. For those who are still alive, ladies and gentlemen, go to the docks of Arden State and a rescue team will be there during 9:30 am-12:00 noon, and they will give you a ride in their rescue helicopters and bring you to the stadium while some scientists are currently finding a way to cure the virus," the lady continued.

"Perfect!" I exclaimed, making a left turn. "That's where Peter works too, and where most of his friends hang out at!"

My phone buzzed, making me turn my attention back to it. I inserted the password and checked my inbox. I got 10 messages from Melissa and the girls. I occasionally looked at the road and made turns when I had to.

The first text said:

"Bestie, where ya at? Hey, let's hang out at 'Steve's Coffee Place' today? Meet me and the girls there! Xox, Lissa"

The second one said:

"Laura, come on. We'll be waiting for you. And btw, didn't you remember? We're supposed to have a girl talk today. Xx, Mia"

The next seven messages were the girls insisting me to go to Steve's. But the last one caught my attention:

"Lorelei, if you're still alive, please text back. Or if you want to, just call one of us! We're worried sick! We don't know if you've become one of them or not! Xx, Lissa"

"Oh my god, they're still alive! I said excitedly. I checked the signal. Woah, it still has four bars of signal after all this time? Time to call my besties!

I searched Lissa from the contacts and pressed the call buton. After that, I waited for a while. The phone rang thrice until someone answered the call.

"LISSA! YOU AND THE GIRLS ARE STILL ALIVE! AND I AM, TOO!" I screamed into the phone, laughing happily.

"OH MY GOD, BESTIE! WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" I heard Lissa sniffle. She was crying.

"I'm really sorry, Li, I just turned off my phone and forgot to turn it on and check it for any messages or calls. I really am," I apologized to her. I felt really bad for making her cry.

"Oh, it's nothing, Lori. Where ya at?" she asked. I could almost imagine her wiping off her tears and smiling.

"I'm on my way there to check on you gals, and also on Peter," I answered.

"Wait, Peter is here with us. He's alive and safe, Lori. And also Railee."

"Really?! Can I talk to him?"

"Sure, just wait a minute," Melissa said.

I can hear her walking and can also hear a muttering of voices.

"Peter! Lori is on the phone and she wants to talk to you! Sorry for disturbing!" she called out.

"I'll be there!" I heard Peter answer back.

I waited for a few seconds and decided to speak. "Peter?! You're safe!"

"Lorelei! Yeah, I'm safe, sis. Where are you?" Peter asked. I was relieved to hear his voice again.

"I'm on my way there. I'm actually using my car right now, how about you guys?"

"Melissa, Railee, and I brought our own too."

"Have you guys packed and do you have any weapons with you?"

"We sure have."

"Good. Can I talk to Lissa?"


"So are you saying goodbye now?" Lissa asked.

"Yes. Don't worry though. I'm almost there. I'll call you again if something happened," I said.

"'Kay. Bye, Laura!"

"Bye, Lissa!"

And with that, the call ended.



Okay, so I hope you enjoyed it! Keep updated for upcoming chapters! :D

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