Stress and Frustration

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You know the feeling when you are so stressed you're frustrated, and when you're so frustrated that you're really angry and irritable? Yeah, me too. 

Currently I wish I was completely alone so I could scream and yell all the profanities into the night sky that my lungs would allow me to, but I live in a highly populated neighborhood and everyone would probably think I am being murdered if I went along with that plan. 

Another plan I wish I could carry out is to throw heavy things over the balcony to watch them smash into tons of pieces, to smash all the windows and porcelain plates in the house, or just to cause any kind of demolition and destruction that I possibly can. I can't do that though, because my parents would be furious with me.

A third plan I have would be to go outside and punch every tree trunk, concrete stone, and solid bit of anything I can until my fists bleed and my arms are sore, but even then I can't do that because I promised my loved ones I wouldn't inflict pain on myself.

Currently, as I write this, I have Five Fingered Death Punch blasting loudly through my headphones at nearly full volume because it's loud and angry sounding. It doesn't help very much, but it's helping more than the person I go to when I need comfort or to vent who currently isn't replying or than the sad or pop songs I usually listen to. 

Try to breathe and repeat after me: "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end"

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