Chapter 4

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Salam and hello my baby bunnies...First of all Jummah Mubarak to you all.May ALLAH shower all his blessings upon you all...  :)

So here it update as promised.I love u all for being so supportive.Your votes and comments means the world to me.I have received so many positive messages in my inbox regarding "The Claim"..Thank you sooooo much for all your love and support :)

This is not edited.I am hell busy with work these days ,i think i'll have permanent Panda Eyes if i don't sleep now.

I hope you all like the update.Please please leave lots of comments and votes.I'll be forever grateful to you all.

The date for the next update will be given soon.I am hoping to update in a week or two..

Thank you for being patient with me.

Stay happy whereever in the world you are..

Love you all

Until next time

Hareem :)

The room went dead silent as soon as he said the words and Saman looked at Mahi with a concerned expression.

The situation was too awkward and Mahi felt like hiding in a hole for the rest of her life.She didn't wanted to face the man who married her for revenge.

A revenge for a slap!

A revenge for his humiliation in public

Moreover she thought he married her out of pity.Her groom ran away letting her face all the humiliation alone.Among five hundred guests she was alone facing them .

The insult was too much for her.

Her train of thoughts broke when she heard someone clearing their throat.Mahi looked at Behram startled and saw the whole room empty.It was just the two of them now

Him and her

Mahi gulped but stood her ground.He was standing a few feet away from her gazing at her without blinking and she felt her throat getting dry.

INNAL LILAH parh le Mahi. (Recite INNAL LILAH Mahi) She thought and took a step back.Behram saw the gesture but said nothing.

(INNAL LILAH is a Quranic verse ,which is recited when someone dies)

They kept looking at each other silently and she got irritated.

"What? Are you here to stare at me like a creep or are you going to say anything"? She said harshly but his face remained stoic and he stepped forward.She took another step back and he rolled his eyes at her.

"First off don't talk to me in that tone ever and secondly what's there to stare" ?! His tone was extremely insulting that Mahi felt his words slapping her.

Anger ran through her entire body and she glared at him in humiliation.

"First off I married you only for the sake of Agha Jan.Don't you dare ever think that I married you for any other reason .Secondly even if there is nothing to stare I would still hate a perv like you to even glance at me".She retorted back and Behram looked shock for a second then he snapped at her

"Don't you dare call me a perv ever again" He covered the distance between them in seconds and stood inches away from her face.The heat radiating off of his body made her nervous for a minute .

Mahi felt his breath fanning her face but she recovered herself and remained unfazed.

"If you insult me like that ever again you are going to get an answer worse then what you have said in the first place" She glared at him and he caught her arm in a tight grip making her gasp in shock.

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