Salam and hello dear ones..So here is the update as promised.I hope you guys like it..And i thank you all for your immense support.You guys are SWEETHEARTS...I love you all and i appreciate your support so much...
Last but not the least.Please don't forget to vote and comment..
Pretty please leave lots of comments
Until next time
P.S I want to change behram..I think Stephen Amell is also good for the character..what do you guys think????
Behram dropped Mahi on bed and she gasped looking at him angrily.
"You are such a caveman and don't you dare touch me next time".
She said harshly and Behram sighed looking at her.HE raked a hand through his hair in frustration and sat on the bed near her.Mahi scooted a little further from him looking at him in silence.
"Look.I am sorry ok.It was never my intention to fight with you or to yell at you.I know it wasn't your fault and I am not worried about the vase ,I am just tired with all the work and I just want some peace and quiet .I swear I didn't mean what I said" He said softly and she responded back with a little hmm
"You should sleep now its late " He said still sitting on the bed and Mahi arched an eyebrow at him
"Yes father but you have to get up from the bed so that I can sleep" She replied in a sore tone and Behram looked at her with a pleading expression
"Uh yeah..About that..Look I am not used to sleeping on the sofa.May be we can just share this bed,I promise I won't touch you ,I won't come near you.My back is aching and I can't really tolerate that sofa " Mahi looked at him keenly for a minute and considered his offer
"You promise you'll stay on your side"?? She asked looking a little unconvinced
"Give me some credit women.I never touched you that way ,you should trust me by now on that matter".
He said in a bored tone.
"Fine then but we'll make a pillow wall" She said brightly and Behram gave her a questioning look.
"Fine". He huffed and laid down on the bed while Mahi took several pillows and made a wall putting them in the center of the bed.
Behram rolled his eyes and Mahi gave him a sour look.
They both laid down and Behram switched the lamp off.
The room suddenly went dark and Mahi looked at Behram trying to see if he was on his side or not.
Behram sensed her movements but laid there still and silent.
He smiled at her nervousness and opened his eyes slowly
She abruptly went back to her side and pretended to sleep.The moonlight was entering the room from the window and the light breeze made her relax a little.
A few minutes went silently as she tried to sleep.Sleeping next to him for the first time made her nervous and confused.Mahi looked at the man beside her.His eyes were shut and there was absolutely no worry on his face.
He was calm and still.
Moonlight illuminated the room and touched his face softly making his features more prominent.His sharp firm jaw line and straight proud nose made her look at him in awe.
She was engrossed in her own thoughts when she heard his voice.
"Staring is rude you know" !!!
Mahi gasped and closed her eyes instantly.

The Claim
Storie d'amoreHis eyes scanned the room silently .The room was filled with colours. It was too bright for his taste.People were talking and laughing with each other.He was sitting quietly on the front like a King.His attitude and his personality screamed danger w...