Imagine @11

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You have depression that no one knows about. You always hide it fromb your friends, family and basically everyone you cared about. You had to hide it you don't want everyone or anyone to worry because you're not  worth worrying about.

You thought about cutting but you couldn't hide it from anyone they'll find out and get worried. You thought about killing your self but your mum needs you to look after her.

So you just keep it to yourself.

You have trust issues as well. You can't trust anyone with anything, even your best friend. You wish you could tell them but you thought they wouldn't believe because when your around them your a happy, crazy person how was most unlikely to get depression but there wrong.

You also have issues with telling people your opinions or what you think they should do because they don't listen and they do what they want or what other people have told them. And it really annoys you a lot. (This is so true. Well to me it is 😜)

Until you meet Mark. Two years ago he found out about your depression and trust issues. He understood about the trust part and he wants to help about the depression part.

So with in these two years he came over to your place and tried to make you not think about suicide and it worked.Well. Until he left. He made you happy and he made you trust him. That was all good as gold.

You have developed a crush on him but as always you think he doesn't and that this point was true Mark had a crush on your best friend Amy. Who was your best friend for 6 years.

Amy was soo pretty and with you standing next to here it looked like she found you on the side of the road ( WHICH IS NOT True BECAUSE YOUR ALL BEAUTIFUL AND PRETTY) and you didn't blame Mark for having a crush on Amy.

So after those two years Mark ask Amy and they moved in together and Mark almost forgot about your depression but you thought he did so you wear back too square one. All alone. You've tried to make new friends at work and school. (Your in year 11) but didn't work. Mark  almost to occupied with YouTube, homework or Amy. He tried to make time for you every time he went to your place you were at work and it bothered him because he wants to see how your doing and how your feel and how or if your depression has gone bad or not. 

Now it's been four years since Mark got to Amy, you still think Mark doesn't care about you and is too occupied to hang out with you and last year your mum has died. And that got to you hard your mum looked after you and did everything with you and you loved you Mum more then anything.

But Mark dumped Amy because he found out he loves you he just thought that he loves Amy but he didn't.

Mark had found out about your mum and was very concerned about you and he was scared that that might have pull the line and you could start hurting yourself or have killed your self to join your with your mum and all of the other people how you know haves died. But as always your were at work or some where else that he doesn't know about. You've never gave him or anyone on else but your mum and work your phone number.

You where done with hiding it anymore no one cared and everyone who cared is now died so went away and started to cut and drink.

Mark had swarm he had saw you leave the licker shop with two bags full but he wasn't sure if it was you or not. You had changed a lot when he last saw you. You looked haft died like a zombie but with out the blood and the gross stuff. Like a clean zombie.

So he followed you home. As you got home you went straight to drinking but today was different you had Burt the strongest stuff you found and two bags of them and you went straight into them when you got home.

You couldn't handle life and more and you didn't have the guts to jump off a bridge or hang your self and you didn't have anything or enough pills to do the job so this was your last option oh and you didn't was to buy a gun because you have not guys to shot your self as well.

So your where up to your last bottle and it was working your bony was shutting down. 

Mark saw what you where doing so he knock down the door and saw you on the fall unconscious. He checked you pulse and it was faint almost gone. He called 000 and the ambulance came and took you to hospital.

They did everything they can and now it was up to you to be strong and wake up.

Mark hasn't left you side since but only to make videos. He always talks to you about that he need you to wake up and that he can help and that he loves you and he needs you in his life and that he's sorry he couldn't tried hard to spend more times with you.

But one day he left and didn't come back for a week. You watched the hole thing in the corner of the room like a ghost or spirt and you didn't want to go back and then you did but didn't know how too.

One day Mark came back too you and sat beside your bed and held your hand. "He (y/n) I'm going to let you go. You can leave and be with your mother. I was just being selfish and think of what I thought was best but not what's right. So. (Y/n) you can go and see you Mum." You look up at Mark and smiled knowing that you can go. " good bye.
(Y/n)  I love you." Mark says with tears rolling down his face. " thank you Mark and I love you too" and with that everything went black and you were joined with your mum.

After Mark said good bye and I love you he saw the hart monitor fall into a flat line and he walked out of the way room telling the doctor that you didn't make and a rhino you for helping.

The end. Okay I cried writing this but I had to finish and don't ask why I wrote this. I wrote it because I couldn't think of anything else. Well as always I'll see you in the next part byeeee

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