"Batman really "

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It was hallowe'en and you wanted so badly go trick or treating because you've never done it before. You were at the shopping centre looking for and hallowe'en outfit with Mark. He already got he's going as the KING OF FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDYS what it is: is a home made crown with the words 'The King Of Five Nights At Freddy's' his markiplier gloves he wear at pax prime 2015 and the cape from that as well a fnaf shirt and a pair of black jeans. Mark planed that a month ago.

You couldn't find anything you liked that wasn't already going to be worn like 100 times. So as you do you go the the kids aisle and tried to find the perfect costume. There where so many lucky you lost Mark because he would reject everything you wanted to wear so this is your time to be you.

You found a lot of costumes but there was one that you could not say no to. It was the one the only batman suit "they better have my size" you say to yourself. "Nope. Nope.  Nope.  And nope. Why. Oh I know I have a designer who could make one in my size" so as that said you took a photo of the suit and tried to find Mark.

"Hey found something?" He ask "yes. Yes I did but it wasn't in my size so I'm going to take it to Layla (the designer and sorry if that's your name you can change it) and she can make me one" you smiled at your plan. " oh god don't tell me it was a kids costume?" He ask in a annoyance in his voice.  "Maybe maybe not" you giggle because you knew he hated this game you play.

_._.time skip_._.

You reached Layla's house and ready to make this costume yes. "Hey Layla i got a new one for you to make and it won't surprise you"  Layla alway design your clothes. Well mostly your going out clothes because your wear small and nothing fits you as much as you love baggy clothes you needed nice clothes for going out. "Oh cool what's it for?" She asked "hallowe'en" "Omg what is it does Mark know about it?" She ask she probably knowers that it's going to be weird or just me being me. "No he doesn't and it's a batman, I couldn't find it in my size they were to small" you say and you couldn't wait for it to be done.

You showed her the photo and she went straight to work. You and Layla had small talk while you waited for her to finish. It doesn't take long for her to finish because she's done this for years now. (Layla is the same age as you just in case you thought she was old) "here we go, a nice batman suit." "Can't wait to see marks face. Well bye Layla" you waved to Layla and off you went.

as you where driving home Mark called
               (M~Mark y~you just if you                           didn't know)

M~ hey are you coming home?
Y~ yes and I can't wait to see your face after you see my costume
M~ oh god please tell me it's not from the kids aisle
Y~yes yes it is and you can't change my mind
M~ omg really
Y~ yes
After that you hang up. You didn't want to hear Mark go on and on about why you shouldn't have bought 'made' it. The rest of the way you just jammed out to your favourite songs.

' okay it's okay to be okay don't laugh don't say anything that would make him flip out' you giggled at you thought. "HEY MARK" you yelled to tell Mark that your home. " okay Halloween is cancelled" Mark say while walking down the stairs.  " no it's not and why?" You say confused "because your not going as batman" "how did you know I didn't tell you" "Layla told me haha" "omg las is going to die. And it doesn't matter know one will know it's me" " yea they well I was going to video it for a vlog but know I'm not." "Awww oh well they just handle me being me" by that point you walked up stairs to sleep.

By the next night you and Mark went to go trick or treating. Mark did do a vlog and his fans love you for being you. That was the best Halloween ever.

Ahhh I like this one
Hoped you liked and as always I'll see you in the next part byeeeee

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