Free at Last, Ch.1

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And it just really hurts, you know. People judge you all the time. They may have heard your story, they may have heard about you.
But have they walked the same roads you have walked? Do they have the same scars that you have? Did they lose the same people that you lost?
Did they feel the same pain that you felt? Do they see the world the same way like you? No, no they don't. You are the only person that can truely and genuinely understand you.

Finally. Free at last.
I took a deep breath, letting all the fresh air enter my lungs. The sun rays hit my face. It was.. it was beautiful. I felt the sun, the air, the birds singing and people walking around me. It had been a while.
I started walking, trying to hide my face from every single person passing by me. The hoodie of my grey jacket was hiding my face, I think, and both of my hands were in my pockets.
I walked, my face to the ground trying to avoid everyone as much as I could, but as I was turning, I stumbled, and my body hit someone's body.
"Are you blind?" The man that i hit yelled at me, "Can't you see where you are goin-"
He stopped talking as he saw my face.
"I-It's you!" He stepped back, "Oh my god, p-please I didn't mean t-to disturb you," He kept walking backwards. He stumbled as his feet hit the Pavement and he fell on his back, his head hitting the ground.
"It's okay, really." I said quickly offering him my hand, but the only thing his eyes looked at was my face.
His eyes slowly looked at my hand, but he kept on crawling backwards till he was far enough. he stood up, his eyes not leaving mine. I turned around and found a whole crowd looking at me.
"Freak!" Someone said.
"What have you done to him?" another person snapped.
"You should be locked up!"
"Who let him out to the streets?"
"He is really back!"
"You think he's like his father?"
Hundred of people's mean comments were thrown at my face. Ignoring my sadness, I turned around to walk away but someone threw a rock at me making me fall to the ground, as it hit my foot. I slowly stood up trying not to hurt my foot more than it was already hurt. As I was on my feet i started running away. Some tears fell from my eyes as I ran on my wounded leg.
Drops of rain started hitting my head, mixing with my tears, and the ground was in no time wet.
I stroke the floor again, my head hitting the wet ground.
"Hey man," Someone said approaching me. He offered me his hand, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I guess." I took his hand, standing again.
He looked at my face, but didn't say a thing.
"You need a ride?" He smiled.
"Yes, s-sure. Please." I said surprised of his nice attitude.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"You can call me Ledger." I said.
"Oh. I am Eric."
I didn't say a thing.
"Really? don't be all quite. Consider me your best friend," He said and burst out laughing trying to reduce the tense, and for the first time since a really really long time, I actually laughed.

This is the first chapter, so things may seem a little confusing. In the next chapters things will get more clear.
I had another account pandaLover_02_ where i began this story but with some problems and stuff I unpublished the story and it was in it's begging so I decided to start over in another account. I really hope you enjoy the story,
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