2- The Acceptance's of Treaties

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(Picture is of Katara)
<Sakura's POV>
A week has passed and Shibuki, the leader of Hidden in the Waterfall, has accepted my treaty. The Godaime Kazekage (Gaara for those people who don't know) visited and we spoke about it. Luckily he agreed to the treaty.




"Enter." I say and in walks a frantic ANBU.

"The Akatsuki are outside the gates." He says panicked.

"Calm yourself." I say as I stand up and walk out of my office and towards the gates. "Put the place on lock down until further instructed."

"Hai Hana no Kage-sama." He says.

I walk to the village gates and see Pein, Konan, Hidan, Kakazu, Tobi, Zetsu, Itachi, Kisame, Deidara and Sasori. "Hello, I'm sorry to keep you waiting." I say to them.

"It's not a problem. I understand completely." Pein says.

Hannalee, Shira and Bain are standing in a defensive way. I turn my attention towards them. "You three may return home. Your pay is waiting there. Thank you." I say to them.

"Hai Hana no Kage-sama." They say and leave.

"If you will, follow me please." i say to Pein and his people.

They follow me and I can hear Kisame and Hidan talking. "It's so fucking empty here." Hidan says.

"It's too quiet." Kisame mutters back.

"That's because we're on lock down until I say other wise." I say interrupting them. "It's a precaution."

They shut up and follow in silence. I then hear running coming our way. I look to see Katara running towards me yelling. "Sakura-sama! Sakura-sama!"

"Katara what is it?" I ask.

"The orphanage is under attack! Orochamaru!" She pants out.

I straighten up at his name. "Damn snake. I should have known better." I turn around and look at Konan . "Can I trust you to watch over Katara?"

"Yes. Come here child." She says.

"Katara, do not leave her side. Go to the kage tower. Remember the room I showed to you?" She nods her head. "Good, take them there and stay there until I return." I say and sprint off throwing my hat to the side and my cloak on to Katara.

I arrive at the orphanage and see Orochamaru taking kids. "Orochamaru!" He stops what he's doing and looks at me. "Leave the kids alone. Put them down and get the hell out of my village." I demand then I notice Itachi and Kisame are behind me. Then I see Sasuke, a red haired girl, a white haired man with blue tips and an orange haired man.

I look at Sasuke as he's about to attack. "Sasuke, do not move! I don't want a battle on my lands. If you want revenge on your brother you find him somewhere else and deal with it. Now I will not say this again. Orochamaru get the hell off of my land." I demand.

He puts the kids down and they run towards me. "Stay behind me." I say as I charge chakra to my hands. I slam them to the ground sending him and Sasuke the girl and the other two guys flying out of the village. I look around and see several kids injured, two dead and their caretaker dead.

I look down at the kids who are injured. I charge chakra to my hands and heal them. I look down at the dead kids and caretaker. I summon a few ANBUs. "You called Hana no Kage-sama?" They ask bowing.

"Yes. Take these children to the academy for now. Hannalee, Bain, Shira, take these three to be prepared for funerals. We'll have them in a weeks time. Leroy go and check on everyone. And The rest of you be on high alert, stay in pairs. Go along the perimeter." I demand.

"Hai!" They all say and take off.

I sigh as I look at Itachi and Kisame. "Why did you two follow me? I told you to go to the kage tower."

"We're sorry, Leader-sama told us to follow you in case you needed back up." Kisame says.

"Fine. Come on." I say and we walk back to the kage tower. I walk in and walk into my office. I walk to the corner by my desk and push on the wall. It opens to reveal the secret room. "You may come out now." I say and they all emerge.

"Sakura-sama, is everyone okay?" Katara asks.

"Not everyone. Two of the kids were killed and the caretaker was killed as well. But everyone else is okay." I say to her. She gives me my cloak and hat back. She begins to walk out of the door. "They're at the academy. Itachi, Kisame, please walk her there?" I ask.

The just nod and follows her out. I walk over to the filing cabinet and grab out my files. Treaties, The Akatsuki, Pein of the Akatsuki, Tobi, Konan, Itachi, Kisame, Kakazu, Zetsu, Hidan, Deidara, Sasori. I have a file on them all and they're full of information on them all.

I look at Pein and Tobi. "I need to speak with Pein and Tobi. If the others can please wait downstairs, that would be lovely." I say with a small smile.

Everyone except for Pein and Tobi walks out of the room and downstairs. I turn to 'Tobi'. "You can take off the mask now Madra Uchiha."

His deep chuckle fills the room and he takes the mask off. "How did you figure it out?" He asks.

"I'm not stupid. I know you're the true leader of the Akatsuki. Now, do we have an alliance or not?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"What do we get out of it?" Pein asks.

"The files I have on all of you and any medical herbs and treatment you may need. In exchange I don't want to be in any part of your war and I will not help in the war in anyway and extra protection. Especially from Orochamaru." I grit my teeth as I say his name.

The two look at each other for a moment then back at me. "You have a deal." They say at the same time. Pein pulls out the treaty and signs it. He gives it to me and I make a copy of it. I put the original in with the treaties file. I then hand over the files I have on the Akatsuki.

"How did you get all of our information?" Tobi/Madra asks astonished.

"I have my ways . I'm more resourceful then I look. For just getting the village up and running in a little over a month." I say casually shrugging. "You may want to put your mask back on." I say to Tobi. He puts his mask back on.




"Enter." I say and in walks Leroy.

"Hana no Kage-sama. The villagers are all fine."

"Good. You may call off the lock down." I say and he nods and walks away.

I look back at all the paper work on my desk and sigh. I start working on it as Pein and Tobi leave my office. Then someone else knocks on my door. "Enter." I say not looking up from my paper work. "What can I help you with Itachi?" I ask.

"Do you want to grab a bite to eat?" He asks casually.

I look up slightly from my paper work. "Why not. Just let me finish this." I say with a smile. He nods and waits patiently for me. After ten minutes of writing I finish the paper work. "Alright. Let's go." I say with a smile while putting the papers away. We walk out together and towards Amai o yatsu.

MariannaBL: I know I said I'd wait a week, but this chapter was already done. So well here yah go!

Pein: Marianna doesn't own Naruto. So vote, comment, or die a painful death.

MariannaBL: Pein-sama that isn't very nice!

Pein: I don't really care.

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