7- The Test, Part Two

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Layla's POV
Lila, Cam, Caiden and I were sitting at training ground 12. It's currently 1:30 and our sensei still isn't here. Lila keeps turning into a frog to lighten the mood some. After about another 15 minutes Angel-sensei appears.

"Your 45 minutes late." Cam says calmly while I glare.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry about that. Sakura-sama called the sensei' into a meeting." She replied nervously. "Alright, let's get this over with. If you can get these bells from me you pass."

"There's only three?" Lila asks.

"Yes. So that means only three will pass while the other gets sent back to the academy. You have to come at me with the full intention to kill me. That will be the only way you'll get a bell. Now when I say 'begin' you may." She says but me being me transformed into a large dog and attacked. She jumped back dodging me. "I didn't say begin yet." She says.

"In a fight the enemy won't wait until you're ready." Lila and I say together as she transforms into a frog and attacks too.

"Hm. True." She says dodging us.

Cams POV
As the girls attacked Caiden and I began to do our genjutsu. I pulled out my flute and put my chakra into it to make it cast the genjutsu just as Caiden started to sing. I began to play in rhythm to his voice and soon Angel-sensei stopped moving.

She stopped moving long enough to grab the bells. When she released the genjutsu she grinned. "I wasn't expecting you four to work together." She says.

"What did you expect?" I ask shyly.

"We're a team.." Layla starts.

"Of course we'd work together." Lila says in a bubbly tone.

"But you didn't even speak to each other about a plan." Angel-sensei states.

"Teammates should know how to work together without communicating things to each other." Caiden says confidently.

"Hmm. Okay, there's only three bells and four of you. Who stays and who goes?" She asks again.

We look at each other and Layla hands out the bells to everyone but herself. I hand her mine and Lila hands me hers then Caiden hands her his. We just pass them back and forth between each other.

"Okay, you all pass." She says with a grin. "Next time I'll make the test harder on you guys." She says grinning.

Angels POV.

I was truly surprised that they worked well together with out even coming up with an actual plan. They just winged in completely. I thought grinning. "Say, do you all want to go celebrate?" I ask them.

"Can we get Ramen?!!" Lila yells excitedly.

"No! Not ramen!" Layla yells throwing her sister a sharp look.

"Awh! Why not?" Lila asks pouting.

"Because you always eat too much of it." Layla scolds.

"How about we go to the BBQ place?" I suggest looking at them. All of their eyes sparkle at the mention.

"Hai!" They all exclaim.

"Alright, let's go. Last one there is buying." I say but before I even realize it they had taken off to the BBQ place. "Well, shit. I'll probably have to buy." I whined.



MariannaBL: heya min'na! Just wanted to say that I'm back! Er! I realize I have to go back through and fix my spelling errors still but don't worry, I'm getting there.

*Itachi walks in*

Itachi: Mira have you seen my shirt? *glares at me*

MariannaBL: maybe....? *hides shirt* can you do the disclaimer? *cheeky grin*

Itachi: annoying woman. Fine. Sakura doesn't own Naruto. Vote, read, comment. Honestly I don't even know why you're reading this, it's crap.

MariannaBL: wha-!? That's so mean Ita! *bust out crying*

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2017 ⏰

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