3- The Start of Something New

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(The picture is of Hannalee, Shira, and Bain)
<Itachi's POV>
As Kisame and I walked Katara to the academy, she looked down at the ground. Kisame tried to talk to her but she wouldn't say anything. I looked down at her and said. "Look kid. You have that look of revenge in your eye. Revenge isn't the answer to anything. Orochamaru will get what's coming to him, don't think of revenge."

"How would you know?" She snaps.

"That look in your eyes, is the same as my brothers. He wants revenge, but revenge isn't the answer. Katara, you know Sakura cares for you. Don't shut her out just so you can get revenge." I say to her while poking her forehead.

"Whatever." She mutters before walking inside.

"I didn't know you could be so soft." Kisame says.

"Hn." I say walking away back to the kage tower. Once I get back to the kage tower I see everyone sitting there waiting. Shortly after arriving there Pein and Tobi come out. Pein carrying quite a few files.

"We have an alliance. We'll stay here for a few day." Pein says and everyone stands up going their separate ways.

I decide to ask Sakura out to eat. So I walk up stairs to her office and knock.

"Enter." Her kind voice says through the door. I walk in and she doesn't look up all she says is. "What can I help you with Itachi?"

"Do you want to grab a bite to eat?" I ask as casually as I can.

She pauses what she's doing and looks up at me with a slight smile. "Why not. Just let me finish this." She says as she goes back to working. I nod my head and wait for her. After ten minutes of waiting she starts putting papers away. "Alright. Let's go." She says with a smile. We walk to a restaurant called Amai o yatsu(1). They sell dangos!

"Hello Sakura-sama. What can I get for you two today?" A waitress asks as we sit down.

"A plate of dangos and camomile tea, please." She says.

"Make that double." I say.

"Right away." The waitress says smiling while walking away.

"So, Itachi." Sakura starts off, I look at her and raise an eyebrow. "Why ask me to eat and not one of your team members?"

"Because I'm with them all the time. It's good to have change." I reply with a shrug.

"I guess that's understandable." She replies as our food and drinks our set down. We small talk for a while. After we're finished eating she pulls out her wallet.

I put my hand over hers, "I'll pay." I say and before she can protest I pull my wallet out and pay.

"Thank you Itachi. You didn't have to do that." She says while I walk her to her mansion. While we were walking a flash of reddish orange comes running our way.

"Itachi-san!" Katara yells while running into me.

I raise an eyebrow at her. "Hn. What do you need?" I ask.

She looks down and I can see a single tear fall down her face. I kneel down to her level and whip it away and pick her up. "I thought about what you said. Thank you." She whispers.

"You're welcome." I say back and she lays her head down on my shoulder.

"I didn't know you were so good with kids Itachi." Sakura says.

<Sakura's POV>
Wow, Itachi is nothing like I thought he was, and he most definitely isn't like Sasuke. Well except for his short responses at times and his Uchiha pride and smirk. He's really good with Katara, I wonder what he told her? I think to myself as we began to walk to the mansion again.

Once we reach the door I open it. I look over at Katara and Itachi to see Katara asleep in his arms. Soooooo kawaii!!!!! I squeal in my mind. "Let's go lay her down." I whisper as I lead the way to a spare room.

I open the door and he walks in and lays her on the bed. I pull the covers over her and kiss her forehead. She looks up slightly as I kiss her head and whispers, "mama, papa. I love you." My eyes widen slightly before regaining my posture.

"Did she just...?" Itachi asks with his eyes widened as well.

"I think so.." I reply.

We both walk out of her room quietly. I look at the time and see that it's late. I look at Itachi as we walk down the stairs. "You can stay the night if you like. I mean it is rather late." I say casually trying not to sound like I want him.. even if I might like him.

"Thank you." Itachi says. We both go and sit in the living room. Itachi sees the book self empty. "No books?" He questions.

"Not down here. I do have a library though." I reply. "We can go check it out if you want. I haven't been up there yet."

"Well let's go." He says while grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs.

"Hey!" I exclaim while being dragged. He stops turns around and picks me up. "Hey! Itachi! Put me down!" I exclaim.

"Hn." He says as he walks up the stairs with me still in his arms. I blush madly and look away.

Once we get to the library he sets me down and heads off to the book cases. I stand up and walk over to a book case myself. I look around for a little but don't find anything. I look over to see Itachi sitting in a chair while reading a book. I walk over and sit on the arm of the chair.

"Whatcha reading?" I ask looking over his shoulder. My eyes widen slightly at the context in the book.

"Icha Icha paradise." He says casually not looking up from the book.

"I noticed." I say under my breath. Itachi puts a hand around my waist as I get up. "Eh? What are you doing?!" I ask raising an eyebrow.

He pulls me into his lap and kisses me gently on the lips. My face heats up but I don't pull away. I kiss him back.


MariannaBL: hey guys here's a quick vocabulary thing lol XD

1-Amai o yatsu- sweet treats.

Katara:hey!!! Read! Vote! Comment! Yay!!!!

MariannaBL: what are you happy about?

Katara: Itachi-San is going to be my dad!

MariannaBL: don't spoil things! You forgot the disclaimer!

Katara: oops! Hehe! Marianna doesn't own Naruto! So again vote! Comment and read!!!

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