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Duke Wardington laughed again and when he sobered, his face transformed into something... dark. "Oh, I do like you, Miss Ott."

Amy backed away.

The duke grinned, "Don't fear, Miss Ott. I have desire for you, but I believe a partnership can benefit us immensely."

"No, thank you."

"But, you haven't even heard my proposal."

She shook her head, heading toward the door once more.

"What if I told you that I could make you the belle of the ball?"

She didn't trust him, but she couldn't help but to ask, "What ball?"

"Every ball." He walked toward her again, slowly, like a wolf who'd finally cornered its prey. "Every soirée, every party. The entire season."

Amy's mind couldn't even begin to picture such an event. She chuckled. "Me? The belle of the ball?" She laughed again and shook her head. "Impossible." Though, it wasn't every day that a duke presented such a tempting offer. Impossible, she told herself.

... Or was it?

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Regency Romance: An Unexpected Duke's Invitation (A Historical Romance Book)Where stories live. Discover now