It's About Time

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I was finally going back for work. I felt like I was rotting at home so I was super thankful that I was finally going to see Hyu--the boys again. I prepared the hairstyles I had in mind for the boys in a small folder before placing it into my trusty sling bag. I chose to wore some casual clothing which included a huge oversized white hoodie that had the words "I want a unicorn" written on the front paired with a pair of black leggings and my white high cut converse shoes. I decided to just leave my long brown luscious locks down since they naturally curled in a way that I liked today. I didn't want to put on too much make up since I still felt a little sick so I opted for some light makeup such as BB cream, mascara and a casual lip tint, just to add some colour to my still-sick face. Besides, no need to doll myself up anymore when Hyuk has already seen my sleeping figure and sick face, right?

I walked towards Jellyfish Entertainment's building with excitement filling my heart. The 2-day break was refreshing but I wanted to dive into work immediately. I made sure that I was slightly earlier than the reporting time which was 8am. I managed to reach the practice room at 7.50am, after fumbling around the hallways after hallways of practice rooms again, careful to not get lost. As I plopped myself down on the couch, I took out the hairstyle designs I had for Ravi, Hongbin and Hyuk. I started to analyse them again, seeing if there were any other amendments to be made.

"I like unicorns too," a voice I instantly recognised belonging to Hyuk chirped happily, referencing to the words on my hoodie. I jumped slightly at the voice before looking up to see that Hyuk had entered together with the rest of VIXX.

"_____-ah! You're back! We missed you!" Ken exclaimed in a child-like voice before wrapping both his arms around me to give me a tight hug. "Ken, c-can't b-breathe," I managed to stutter out before he finally agreed to let go of me.

"I'm glad to have you back on the team, how are you feeling?" N asked with a large smile forming on his lips. "I'm doing better, still a little under the weather, but better," I replied with an equally large smile. The rest of the members started to flood me with all the shenanigans that I've missed out during my 2 days leave like how Ravi fell asleep on the floor during practice and Ken drew all over his face, as well as how N was trying to cook for the members and almost burnt the whole kitchen down (again). One thing they mentioned that caught me by surprise was when N was complaining about how Hyuk was constantly on his phone the past few days, ignoring N which of course, made N whine about how their maknae was bullying their eldest hyung. I looked towards Hyuk and he gave me a knowing look before winking at me. Thankfully, none of the other members saw it and I proceeded to laugh at N's complaints as the other members simply rolled their eyes at their childish leader.

"Ah, finally the whole team's together again," VIXX's manager walked in together with unnie. I smiled brightly at them and we began to discuss the hairstyles for the boys. After making the necessary amendments to the hairstyles to fit the boys' likings, we moved towards the dressing room to put together the hair and costume.

As we gathered in the dressing room, unnie and I prepared the tools to style the boys' hair as they went to change into their stage clothing. Unnie took 2 of the dressing tables since she's able to style their hair faster. I didn't mind, though, since that meant that I'll be able to give my full attention to each of the individual members.

The first to be styled was Ravi. As he took a seat at the dressing table, he gave me a wary look, clearly worried that I might destroy his hair. I gave him a stern look before jokingly scolding him "You should trust your stylist, aka me," I retorted while flipping my brown hair in an exaggerated manner. That cracked Ravi up as he chuckled before smiling at me. It took me approximately 35 minutes to style his hair. I decided to ditch his previous bangs to style it up, revealing his forehead to show a more mature side of him, since I've always thought that bangs made him looked cute instead of charismatic which was required for their comeback.

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