Surprise Visit

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"Maybe if I ignore it, the person will just go away," I thought as I heard whoever the heck the person was continue to knock on the door. Clearly, whoever this was, he/she wasn't going to go away until I opened the damn door. My head started to throb even louder with each knock. Annoyed, I threw my covers off as I trudged to my front door. I didn't even bother to check who it was as I half-expected it to be Eunbi, apologising for forgetting to bring her keys again, for the fifth time.

"Eunbi-ah, you need to remember to bring your keys man," I mumbled as I opened the door to reveal the culprit who interrupted my beautiful dream of Hyuk. I almost fainted right there and then as my eyes started to focus and recognise who it was.

"Who's Eunbi?" Hyuk chirped curiously while I just stared at him wide-eyed, suddenly remembering that Eunbi was going to be home late tonight.

"H-Hyuk oppa? What are you doing here? How did you even know I live here?" I asked completely taken off guard as to how he found my address. I even rubbed my eyes twice to make sure that I wasn't seeing things.

"Workers' Particulars. You filled them out when you applied for the job, remember? It wasn't that hard to dig out for it. They're all stuffed in our manager's drawer in his office," Hyuk replied nonchalantly as he let himself in, leaving me still dumbfounded at my front door. Indeed, he is the smart maknae.

"Come on in! You're still sick, remember? Don't worry, I'll make myself at home!" Hyuk called out from my kitchen. This boy is unbelievable. I closed my door as I tried to grasp the situation. When the realisation that Hyuk was actually in my house and it wasn't a dream dawned on me, I thanked God inwardly for having just cleaned my house 2 days ago so it wasn't in a state of mess and horror.

I walked into the kitchen to see Hyuk setting all kinds of food on the kitchen island as I took a seat across from him. "What's all this?" I asked, slightly surprised that my voice was hoarse and stuffy. Hyuk looked at me before petting my head slightly. "Oh no, you sound really bad. I prefer you with your sweet honey voice," Hyuk admitted while preparing the food as I looked away, trying to hide my blush. "I got you some porridge and light food, it should help you get better. My mum said so," Hyuk stated proudly as I chuckled at his cuteness. "Let me do it, you're the guest, after all," I told him while trying to grab the packs of food from him. "No no, you're sick, remember?" He replied. I moved across from the island to get to his side as I insisted on taking care of the food. However, me being the clumsy me, paired with the influence of the medication, tripped over the corner of the island and into Hyuk's arms. "Woooah!" I half-shouted as I braced myself for the impact that never came as I, once again, felt Hyuk's arms snake around my waist, preventing my fall.

"Ah, isn't this an all too familiar scene?" Hyuk chuckled before winking at me as the flashback of the dressing room incident came back into my mind. As I looked towards Hyuk, I suddenly noticed how close our faces were, our lips inches from each other. My face started to heat up as the sound of my heartbeat racing filled my ears. I felt Hyuk start to lean it as I half expected him to kiss me. As I prepared myself to close my eyes and pucker my lips, what I felt wasn't Hyuk's lips on mine but instead, a huge palm on my forehead.

"Woah, you're burning up! Did you even take the meds?" Hyuk exclaimed as my eyes fluttered wide open. Oh my, was I expecting him to kiss me? What's wrong with me! I mentally scolded myself as Hyuk helped me regain my balance and sat me down on an island stool. "Erm, I think I did," I mumbled, clearly embarrassed at my fantasy.

"I'll prepare the food, go rest," Hyuk commanded. I continued to sit firmly on the stood as I folded my arms across my chest before continuing, "I want to help," I stated firmly. "You leave me with no choice," he mumbled and before I could register what was going on, he scooped me up into his arms bridal style and started to walk towards the hallway. I was taken aback at the sudden action as I let out a squeal. "Which one's your bedroom?" he asked and I pointed to my bedroom, my mind not being able to grasp what was going on. Hyuk laid me down gently on my bed and pulled the covers over me, tugging me in. All I could do was stare at him in awe, never having expected him to be so sweet and attentive.

VIXX: Dating HyukkieWhere stories live. Discover now