Payback for Johnny? (part 1)

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****This chapter is in two parts guys****

"Stop being so childish. Why can't you two just make up?!" Elektra growled as me and Johnny glared at eachother across the living room.

"Because he nearly drowned Rick just because he likes me!" I shouted.

Elektra groaned, "Guys just shut up! I'm trying to watch 'The big bang theory' "

Everyone was sat around, watching tv, except for Rick and Tyler who were in the garden. It had been about two weeks since the 'accident'.. No, you know what? It wasn't an accident. It was that stupid Johnny's fault- Okay I'll stop. But anyway me and Tee were talking again, I was getting on with everyone except Johnny and me and Rick were even closer so that was a good bit. School was coming up in the next few days and I was actually looking forward to it. Yes, you heard me right. I had always liked school. My favourite subjects were English, Maths and Drama. I think Drama was my favourite-favourite. Mike had taken us out to get our uniform already. To be honest the uniform was alright. It was a light blue collared t-shirt, a dark blue cardigan, a black skirt and black shoes. Oh and black tights which is optional. The T-shirt and cardigan had the school's logo on too.

"Well he asked for it" Johnny mumbled as if I couldn't hear him.

"Excuse me?! He didn't ask to be drowned idiot. You know what? I'm not going to stay in a room with THAT-" I stood up and pointed to Johhny "Bye guys" I walked out of the living room, down the hall, through the kitchen and out into the garden to see Rick and Tyler sat in the grass talking.

"Hey Amy" Tyler smiled, looking up to me as I went to sit down.

"Hey" I smiled, sitting inbetween Rick and Tyler.

"I thought you were in the living room with the others" Rick commented, putting one hand on top of mine and using his other hand to pull bits of grass out off the ground.

"Me and Johnny argued again. "

"Not again! Amelia you two were so close-" Rick began.

"Yeah and then he tried to drown my boyfriend!" I interupted.

"She has a point..." Tyler quietly joined it. Rick went to argue but Tyler thankfully cut him off with a new subject, "So, Amy, looking forward to school?"

"Yeah. Kind of scared though" I sighed.

"Don't be. I mean, I nearly fainted on my first day but it's fine... honestly" Tyler explained, slightly scaring me.

"Tyler!" Rick growled, shushing him.

------First day of school------

We walked through the front gate, into a big carpark with a few an cars in and loads of people.

"Right, this way" Rick said as he and Tyler led me over to a massive building and down the halls to a small room. Tyler knocked gently on the door.

"Come in" a deep, male voice called from the other side of the door. All three of us quietly walked in to a medium sized room, filled with a desk and loads of filing cabinets. There was also a man, in his thirties, smartly dressed who I almost instantly guessed was the head.

"Hi sir, this is Amelia. Amelia Sutton, the new girl" Rick introduced me as the man calmly payed his attention towards us. He had a kind fartherly feeling to him, not like he was strict, but like he was kind and you could talk to him about pretty much anything. I liked it.

"Ah, yes Amelia. Boys you can leave now, thank you" he smiled at the boys. Rick quickly kissed the side of my head and whispered "You'll be fine" before leaving the room.

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