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Dear Diary,

The second we got dropped off at our new placement, I wanted to go back to the dumping ground, back home but I knew I couldn't and that that was our new life.

To be honest, since that day my love for Rick has gotten stronger and stronger. We're now engaged and expecting a baby girl in four months. Who would've thought; Amelia Sutton grown up. I'm currently twenty three, same as Rick. We've stayed in contact with everyone from the dumping ground. It's so nice being able to meet up with my Elm Tree family whenever I want. Even Johnny has settled down. I'll just explain everyone's current life, shall I?

Tee: As soon as she was old enough to leave Elm Tree House, she moved in with Johnny without even a second thought. Tee remains single, although somethings going on between her and Liam. We text eachother every day, me and Tee. She's actually gotten a job as a vet which is good pay. The last time I saw her was a week ago though, I miss her.

Johnny: Up until Tee moved in, Johnny lived on his own in the apartment that he had been placed in. Let's just say I speak to him sometimes - no where near as often as I speak to Tee - but me and Rick seem to be better off without those bad memories of our connection with Johnny. But believe it or not, Johnny's actually settled down with a girl named Megan or something, I can't really remember her name to be honest.

Liam: Liam and I are still best friends, we meet up often and text most days. He's honesly like the brother I've never had and I'm so grateful to have him in my life. He's got a job as a chef in this resteraunt in town. He was placed about a three minutes walk from me, which is good. He's got - like I said - something going on between him and Tee.

Frank: Frank is still my best friend too, also like my brother. He's working in the vets with Tee. He lives about a five minute walk from me. We were all placed in the same town as eachother, so not very far to walk at all. Frank is currently in a deep relationship with someone called Alice. Don't tell anyone but Frank is planning to propose soon. They've been together for about three years now, they're honestly so cute together.

Faith: Oh god, where do I start? About a week after we left Elm Tree, she texted me and Rick asking to meet up. So we did, we met up at the park, where she acted as if I wasn't even there. She was clearly flirting with Rick which neither me nor Rick liked so we barely keep in contact with her, hence I have no clue what's happening in her life right now. I heard that she's still single and works as a nurse.

Elektra: Me and Elektra are closer than ever now, she's like my sister from another family. She was placed five houses away from me - she's here nearly every night, as well as Tyler. She's got a boyfriend who is actually made for her, he's like the male version of her. They've been in a relationship for close to a year now. Elektra is currently unemployed.

Carmen: Carmen actually got in contact with her Mum again and it turns out her mum has changed - she doesn't put men before her own daughter any more. After a lot of paper work and preparing, Carmen moved in with her Mum. She's a bit further than everyone else, but still not very far. Not in walking distance, but she gets dropped off near us when we all want to meet. Carmen is actually an actress now, she's in the process of filming for a new tv show. I can't tell you anything about it though, otherwise that would be giving it away.

Lily: Lily lives in a flat, near her work. She's a very busy buisnesswoman, so we barely have time to see her but we still haven't grown apart. She's like family, it would be pretty impossible to loose contact. She's happily married with a man named Richard. Very nice guy. They don't have any children yet but they do have the cutest puppy ever, he's called Leo and he's all black and fluffy. I'm not really sure of his breed to be honest.

Harry: Harry is still 15 so is still living at Elm Tree House. He's leaving in a few months though; when he turns 16 and is moving near us aswell. I ring him atleast twice a week. So not much has changed for him.

Floss: Floss is still 15 too, but she's no longer in The Dumping ground. She left a couple weeks ago - got fostered by a nice, family oriented couple who lost the privilage to have children a few months ago. The last I heard is she's doing really well. She lives half an hour away though so obviously it's hard keeping in touch. I ring her as often as I can though.

Tyler: Tyler is still like my irritating little brother. He was placed next door to us. I swear there's no getting rid of him. He's over almost every night, It's like he lives here. He's twenty two and currently in a nice relationship with a girl named Lia. They've been together for about a year now. Tyler is an estate agent, so he doesn't struggle with money but he still comes over and eats our food, that little pain in the butt.

Jody: Jody left the Dumping ground two years ago, she lives only a few houses away. She's currently in a relationship with Bailey. I know, I didn't expect it either. They started dating a week after I left. Jody is unemployed, but does busking in the town every other day, she's trying to be famous, which I'm sure will happen soon. She's an amazing singer.

Bailey: Like I said, Bailey and Jody are together. They were actually placed together too. Bailey is working at becoming a professoinal footballer - he's training every single day so we don't see him that often.

Mike: Mike still works at the dumping ground, surprise surprise(!) He actually emails us a lot though which is nice, he's still like my Dad.

May-Li: May-Li left the dumping ground to become a teacher in the local school. She got married last year and invited all us dumping ground kids which was a nice reunion sort of thing. She's a month pregnant which is really exciting.

Me and Rick are engaged, expecting a baby girl in four months. I literally could not be happier. The day I left elm tree, I thought would change my entire life. Granted, it did. But the one most important thing in my life stayed the same. My unrelated family. I'm so grateful for my life and everything that I have. It just shows that if your life isn't amazing, it gets better.

Thank you for reading about my life in elm tree house. Maybe this won't be the last you hear of me, who knows?


**Thank you guys so much for reading. This - as you probably guessed - is my last update on this story. But knowing me, I'll probably do a sequel. So stay tuned ;) But thank you. I never thought I'd get this many views. Thank you all for your support and for giving me the strength to do something I like doing when so many other people have doubted me. I love you all.

For the last time, thank you for reading, bye!<3

PS: For more from me, check out my new story, and also check out my other account sophiexmcfly for some others. Thank you <3**

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