Running away

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As soon as we got back to Elm Tree, I ran straight up to my room, falling back onto my bed with tears starting to fall. Mike had to stay at the hospital with Johnny over night and Rick wasn't aloud his phone or laptop for three weeks. Johnny was free to come home the next day though which made me feel slightly better but still very guilty. It was hours of crying later when I came up with an idea. A stupid, dangerous idea but one that sounded brave and adventurous. I got up off my bed, pulling out my backpack from under my bed and shoving in essential things for running away. Yep, that's right, running away. After making sure I had;

- A water bottle

- A coat and jumper

- one set of spair clothes

- one pair of spair shoes

- quite a bit of food

- and a book, I made my way out of my window, out into the street. I had no idea where I was going, what I was going to do or how I was going to look after myself, but I knew I had to get away from the dumping ground - away from all the drama.


"So.. are we all agreeing on a girl's night?" I asked excitedly, looking around at all the girls. We were sat in the living room, discussing what to do that night to take our minds off the drama. Me, Faith, Carmen, Elektra, Jody and Floss had decided to have a girl's night consisting of movies, youtube, sweets and fan-girling.

Everyone nodded in agreement, everyone but Amelia.

"Hey, you guys where's Amelia?" Elektra asked. Everyone looked around the room, seeing if she was there.

"I don't know, I'll go look in her room." I decided to check the house first. I looked everywhere including the garden, no Amelia. I walked up to Amelia's room. It was silent. Strange.. she normally had music on. I knocked on her door, no reply. I walked in to see a silent, almost-empty room. Her wardrobe was flung open, her jumper and coat was missing and her backpack had dissapeared. Great...

I ran downstairs and quickly went into the living room to tell the girls. "Amelia's ran away!" Everyone gasped as I quickly ran to find May-Li in the kitchen with Tyler, Rick and Frank. "May-Li! Amelia has ran away!"

"What?! When?! Why?!" May-Li tried to stay calm and professional but you could hear the stress in her voice. Rick, Tyler and Frank's head shot up in shock. To be honest I'm glad Liam was at his brother's that day because otherwise he would've been panicking like crazy - they're like brother and sister. And poor Harry.. I started to worry about how we would explain this to Harry. He's too young to fully understand. How do I tell him that his 'sister' and best friend has ran away to God knows where? All the girls were panicking too. But much to my dismay, Mo and Harry came in from the garden. Uh oh.

"What's going on?" Harry asked, sitting at the table next to Tyler, with Jeff in his hands.

"Amelia's ran away" Carmen blurted out in a panic without even thinking about how Harry would act.

"What?!" Harry instantly started panicking, along with everyone else.

"I don't know why or when but she's definitely gone!" I started panicking too. Amelia was my best friend, what if we lost her for ever?

"Right... Okay... what do we do? May-Li, you can't leave, someone has to stay here but Mike's at the hospital. Who looks for her?" Elektra had a good question. Who looks for Amelia? Neither Mike or May-Li can.

"I'll go" Tyler popped up. As soon as he said that, I wanted to go and look for Amelia.

"Me too" I volunteered.

"I can't really let you go on your own... Ah, how about Faith and Elektra go too. They're old enough for me to let you go with and if once you're back you haven't found her, we'll call the police." May-Li suggested.

The search group ended up being;






and Rick (he insisted, we basically had no choice...)

We split in to two groups. As we walked out the front door, Me, Faith and Tyler went to the left as Elektra, Frank and Rick went right. Even in the pouring rain, we weren't going to give up without a fight. We had to find Amelia.


Me, Frank and Elektra split off from Tee, Faith and Tyler in the desperate attempt to find Amelia out in the freezing cold rain. None of us were going to give up until we found her. We were screaming out "Amelia" at the top of our lungs in hope she would hear us. We were all starting to worry like crazy. The poor girl was definitely going to at least suffer a cold, it was absolutely freezing and wet. I started feeling really bad, replaying all the recent few days back in my head - me falling out with Amelia, me upseting Amelia, Amelia kissing Johnny, me putting Johnny in hospital and... the one that hurt the most, Amelia running away. I started feeling really bad, like it was my fault, like I had caused all this. And in all fairness I had caused it all. It was all my fault. I felt like breaking out in tears, but it wasn't the time. I had to find Amelia, even if it killed me. I needed to make things alright, I needed to appologise, and not just to Amelia but to Johnny aswel. Actually everyone in fact. I had dragged everyone in to my paffetic baby-ish drama. And after all, who was I to decided wether Johnny and Amelia liked each other. I know I completely sounded like a jerk about them, but in all honesty, I was worried Johnny would hurt Amelia. And why? Well do I really have to spell it out? I still liked her. Who am I kidding, I loved her. Rick Barber in love with Amelia Sutton. I never felt like that with anyone before, just Amelia and that's what made me so protective.

The three of us - still calling out for Amelia - made it to the park. There were three ways we could go; 1. In the park. 2. To the left, down the busy street Or 3. To the right, into the rough, dark area.

That was when I got a bit confused of what to do, "Now what?"

***Two updates within 12 hours? Aren't you lucky ;) think of it as a present for getting me to 2K haha. I'm quite proud of this chapter to be honest. By the way, please let me know if you think I've forgotten any characters because I keep worrying that I have, thanks.***

The dumping ground - life as a care kid *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now