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Heheheh the 'Numa' chapter was made by my BFF from school and she was playing around and I told her I was gonna keep it so, yeah anyways
ENJOY 😊!!- Marshy

|~ Five Years Later ~|

Author's POV
Hmm...it's been quite a long 5 years....Y/N is gone and done some amazing things.... Yuuri has been supporting unconditionally in her efforts..but they've grown apart an significant amount seeing as how Y/N has been traveling to charity events, competitions, and tending to her pups ....Yuuri has been Yuuri...but now that your caught up let's see how this story.

As I stepped off the plane, taking an deep breath, I smiled taking in that fresh Hasetsu air.

"I'm back Hasetsu," I sighed purely out of content whilst walking to get my bags. I slide my headphones on looking around taking in the somewhat new, seemingly familiar surroundings.

'Man...this place sure has changed a lot since I was here a few years back...' I got my bags off the conveyor belt I started towards the place I call home here.


I smiled as I arrived, finally I had made it. I took in deep, shaky, breath, 'Ok, Y/N we can do this...just knock on the door.' As I gathered my thoughts I nodded and proceeded with my preexisting plan. I knocked on the door.

I stood there, on the door step of Yu-Topia Katsuki, slowly hearing semi heavy footsteps approach the door. I smiled, believing that it would be Yuuri's dad, but I got a much bigger surprise.

Once the door opened my smile changed to horror as what stood before me was a chubby Yuri Katsuki open the door. Dropping all my bags, and shrieked, "YURI!?"

Yuri's POV

I was sitting on the floor looking at Viktor still in disbelief when I heard a knock on the door.

Mom asked me to get it so I got up and walked (more like waddled PFFFF) over to the door and opened it, as I looked at the person I felt my face grow even hot. (Already man...HEH SHIP)


There, standing in the doorway, was my best friend, Y/N, she looked beautiful. The slowly setting sun only highlighted her naturally beautiful glow.

"Y-Y/N?" The Skate Gods must be looking down on me. My day just got even better...I mean not that it already wasn't.

I was thinking about all the things I'll get to do with Y/N now that she's back, when I'm suddenly tackled to the floor in a hug.

"Yuri....It's been too long..."

I have to agree with her...it's has been too long I missed her so much and just seeing her on the T.V and over the phone just wasn't enough anymore

I hear some footsteps...multiple even.

I heard the soft voice of my mother behind me, "Yuri, who was at the door?"

With those words Y/N stood right up, pulling me right with her.

Y/N had the warmest smile I've seen all day...I missed that... I'm so happy to have her back here with me.

"Oh! Y/N your back!" Minako said, a happy gleam in her facial expression.

"Minako!!" Y/N launched into her arms and Minako
hug her. I just kinda stand there awkwardly, still dumbfounded by all the recent events taking place here.

'Isn't there something I'm supposed to be telling Y/N. I could've sworn there was something of the up most importa....' My thoughts were silenced when a voice huskily erupted through the room, " Awww... Wolfie how long has it been... 5 years?"

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