I thought I'd lost you

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Authors note: Each chapter is a separate short story surrounding Percabeth (summaries will be at the beginning of every chapter so feel free to jump around and find a plot that interests you)
I hope you enjoy :)
Disclaimer: I don't own the Percy Jackson series, only the plot is mine.

Chapter one: I'd thought I'd lost you

Summary: Percy sacrifices himself, ending the giant war. Annabeth struggles to cope with the loss, after barely surviving, Percy wakes up in Greece believing Annabeth is dead. When he returns to camp half-blood he is surprised to see a certain grey-eyed girl.

Annabeth POV
The sun pulled itself lazily up over the horizon warming the cold air that sifted off the Long Island sound. The sea lapped quietly at my feet, which were dug into the sand. The sea breeze was warm and smelled sweetly of salt. Clouds reflected the orange beams of the rising sun their shadows falling in dark lumps along the choppy waves. I sighed content to stand there all day. The breakfast horn blew by the time the sun had revealed its full form the hazy orange melting to a blinding white and yellow. I brushed my feet off pulling on my tennis shoes and headed towards the dining pavilion not once looking back at the sea-green waves of the ocean. Tears stung at my eyes and nose but I wiped my eyes before they could fall. One year. That's how long it's been since the end of the giant war. Since the day I lost the only person that mattered. The only person I needed.
The heat of early June fell upon my shoulders and shadowing my face. New and old campers flooded across the boarders. Most ran to meet friends and set up their bunk for a new summer. A peaceful summer. I pushed in to the dinning hall, everyone was eating happily their voices rising over one another mixing to an incomprehensible noise. I wasn't really that hungry but I got a plate anyway throwing some French toast to the gods watching it burn. I sat on the end of the Athena table. My siblings said nothing towards me, most just gave me pitied or worried glances, maybe a weak smile. I wasn't who I used to be. I ate quietly barley tasting the food.
I left before Chiron could give his first day of camp speech. I went to the arena readying weapons for class. There were a few places I could feel him. It was a strange feeling, a warm feeling of safety. The fighting arena was one of those places, along with the beach and cabin three. I lived my life between these places never really sleeping, never really living just going in a mindless loop clinging to whatever was left of him here. It wasn't long before a group of campers flooded in, their faces bright with excitement for the summer. I grasped my dagger eyeing them carefully. And the day begun. Class after class. I taught and observed and in the strangest way he was there, a lopsided grin strewn across his face, his sea green eyes bright. Everything blurred into one big lump of time.
There was a bonfire that night but I didn't go. I sat on the edge of the bunk in cabin three, his bunk. Tears sauntered down my cheeks but I was too numb to notice. A part of me was gone, empty. And I was so scared. Scared because I didn't know. I wasn't sure, and there was nothing I could do about it. I thought back the memory vivid, it was-

A cold day. I found that strange since it was summer. But as the sun descended slowly, around mid noon the wind shifted and the air seemed to chill. Goose bumps ran up and down my arms raising the small blonde hairs. My stomach twisted with a nervous sensation as the Argo II continued to cut through low laying clouds. My breath puffed gently in front of me the clouds causing a strange dew to gather on deck of the boat. Percy stood next to me his arm securely around my waste. He smelled like the ocean even though it was miles away. Despite the cold I felt strangely warm against him, safe. And the nervousness subsided slightly. His dark hair ruffled in the churning wind his sea green eyes transfixed on the grey that passed around us. I pressed against his chest faintly hearing the steady beat of his heart. He pulled me closer kissing my head and rubbing his large hand on my arm in a soothing pattern. I glanced up my eyes meeting his. Their beautiful green color seemed so opposite of the white of the sky it caused my heart to hesitate slightly before beating again. He had a far off look, his eyebrows were knit cutely together and his jaw was set tight. I raised my hand to his cheek, gently tracing his jaw line. He relaxed slightly a small smile spreading on his face. "What are you thinking about?" I asked slightly teasing. He held my hand there on his cheek his thumb gently rubbing mine. "I don't know, I just have a bad feeling" he admitted his eyes meeting mine again. He seemed so much older then normal. "We will be fine" I assured although my voice quivered slightly. He looked away for a moment dropping my hand. The wind howled around us, but I barely felt the cold. "I love you" he said his voice was so genuine and powerful I felt tears warm in the crevasse of my eyes. "I love you too" I whispered my voice husky. I coped his face and stretched to my tiptoes my lips meeting his in a slow passionate kiss. The world around me seemed to stop as he kissed back his strong arms wrapping around my lower back and holding me close. When we pulled apart he smiled a lopsided grin, pressing his forehead to mine as the wind settled down. "We are going to be fine" he repeated and I smiled. We stood there just breathing each other in as the Argo II began to descend over a field.
The grass was tall and seemed almost dead, mountains bordered one side their sides ridged and grey, the other side slopped down steadily to the city of Athens, Greece which seemed so ancient and small from here. The field itself was nearly the size of four football fields and although I felt wind the grass was utterly still. It was coldest here, a power radiated from all around us, the sky filled with large clouds pregnant with storms. Purple lightning danced between them threatening to strike. There was no rain, only wind and lightning. Everything was utterly dry, and a strange sulfur smell wafted making my nose burn. I clung closer to Percy feeling the ancient aura that pounded from the heart of the mountains and it caused a cold sweat to start down my back causing my shirt to cling to me. The sun was blockaded by blackened clouds its rays diluted, only shadows seemed to roam here. I didn't see the giants until we'd landed, they stood amused by us, maybe confused as to why a fight was necessary. They'd already won, we needed a god to kill them and we didn't have one. It was a hopeless battle. Percy took my hand in his squeezing reassuringly, I glanced up his face was gravely determined. It was a hopeless battle but we were together and that alone increased the odds. The rest of the seven stood around us. Their faces were set the same way, determined. We climbed off the ship gripping our weapons with white knuckles. Riptide glowed faintly in Percy's hand. It happened all at once. There was a loud crack and a surge of monsters advanced passed the giants, hundreds of them charging towards the seven of us.
Percy stepped stabbing a Fury with ease the winged woman falling to dust. The rest of us began attacking, Percy and I fought back to back working through the ranks. I noticed that the monsters were a distraction the giants waited patiently knowing by the time we made it to them, we would be too drained to even injure them. I guess the Giants didn't account for Percy Jackson. I met his eyes understanding immediately. Hazel and frank made their way over to us, Jason Piper and Leo not far to our left. "Frank!" Percy yelled over the battle. He was fighting like a demon but didn't seem drained at all, in fact he was smiling vaguely. Frank nodded towards Percy stabbing through a hellhound his face black with monster dust. " giants!" Percy yelled pointing towards the large enemies sitting and watching with enthusiasm, probably thinking about how to kill us. Frank nodded morphing into a giant Eagle . Percy watched him and then turned to me a wild look in his eyes. "
Kiss for good luck?" Percy asked slyly and despite the fear that welled inside of me I smiled kissing him quickly. "Don't do anything stupid" I called as frank lifted him into the air, they flew over the hordes of monsters dropping just in front of the giants. I strained to see fighting next to hazel as Percy and frank took on the three giants. Jason seemed to get the memo and he and Piper flew over to help. Jason and frank buzzed around the giants heads stabbing at their eyes, jason would occasionally strike one with lightning but it didn't seem to do more then annoy them. Percy and Piper stabbed at the giants ankles and knees weaving around with speed and precision. Leo made his way over to us his hair sticking up wildly. "Lets join the fun!" He shouted and ignited his hands with hot blue flames. Pushing his palms forward he literally incinerated a path through the hordes of monsters. Hazel and I kept watch behind his back stabbing at any monsters that weren't hit by the fire. Some ran away screaming and burning, which was fun to watch. We cleared through joining Percy and Piper. He smiled at me his dark hair matted with sweat, cuts decorated his arms and his shirt was shredded. "Hey wise girl" he said his green eyes sparkling despite the dusty air. I smiled stabbing my dagger into the big toe of the nearest giant. "Nice" Percy grinned bigger. Leo was lighting the giants feet on fire, he once accidentally lit one of their Lincoln cloths, thank gods that it extinguished before burning off completely. Hazel and Piper worked together at the third giant stabbing viscously. I noticed a gleam in the giants eyes, they were no longer amused with this battle, they could kill us at any time. Why wait. "I have an idea" Percy yelled dodging a blow from the largest giants muddy fist. "Never a good thing" I called stabbing at an emponosa who tried to sneak up behind me. "Trust me" he called running between the giants legs and towards the mountain. The giant turned towards Percy who was now against the mountain standing tall, his eyes burning fiercely. There was something there I hadn't noticed before a faint shape of a woman, nearly a shadow, her skin made of dark dirt her eyes closed sleepily. Her chest was glowing a faint pulsating green. Gaea. Hey stupid!" I called towards the giant and he looked towards me. I locked eyes with Percy. My heart beat quickly knowing that I couldn't stop him. Scared at what he might be doing. He mouthed a single word, run.
I hesitated, not because I didn't trust him but because I didn't want to leave him. Quickly regaining myself I shouted towards hazel Leo and Piper. "RETREAT" They turned confused but quickly followed as I took off running dirt and monster dust kicking up behind me. The giants shifted in confusion as we rushed away. The ground started to shake as we ran, only making it halfway to the Argo II when everything seemed to fall out of place. I hit the ground my whole body rocked as the earth trembled . There was a loud crash, a horrible grinding sound and a woman's scream, ancient and not at all human that sounded like skin ripping apart. I cringed as debris fell around me my hands clasping around my neck. A hand gripped mine pulling me to my feet and I was running again dust flying everywhere, I couldn't see my eyes stung. The rumbling continued and the earth broke apart in small cracks the ground shaking unevenly. I fell once more skinning my knee. I couldn't see through the dust and the air was hard to breathe. Then everything settled. The sky was clear of any sign of a storm, the ground still. I was dizzy and slightly nauseous my body covered in cuts and bruises. I sat up coughing as dirt continued to settle around me. My ears rung painfully and a warm trickle of blood seeped own my neck. I found my feet standing slowly still feeling like the world was quaking. "Annabeth!" Piper ran to me her hair falling out around her face her eyes wide. She was covered head to toe in dirt and her right arm had a nasty cut that was smeared with red. I looked up my head thudding. "Annabeth" she called again her voice becoming clear and utterly loud. I winced coughing a little more. She hugged me tightly. "Gods we thought you were dead" she said relieved holding on to me a moment longer before pulling away her face streaked with tears. "Its over" she said. I wanted to ask what happened but then I turned seeing the ruins behind me. The entire mountain had collapsed in on itself, what used to be the top had piled down right where we had just been fighting. The Argo II was behind me, Leo was sitting against the side his face drained in exhaustion but he was smiling like a lunatic, hazel and frank were supporting each other, hazels leg was obviously broken. Jason stood looking to the now clear skies his hands in his pockets and his eyes distant. I turned back to the rubble behind me my arm falling from pipers grip. "Percy?!" I screamed running towards the ruins tears streaking aimlessly down my face. "Annabeth-" Piper started but stopped herself her voice cracking. The field was still and quiet. I ran a little further "Percy!" I called desperately my heart beating unnaturally fast, I became dizzy again, it was hard to breathe. Percy couldn't be gone. He had to be okay. I reached the edge of the rubble feeling small and helpless. "Annabeth it's not safe!" Piper called running towards me jason in tow. I ignored them climbing up wincing as I continued through nearly slipping twice. The rocks were hot and the smell of sulfur was stronger. "Percy!" I called choking on a sob as I pulled myself up closer to what used to be the side of the mountain. I sunk to my knees crying unable to think straight. "Percy" I cried softly. Jason landed beside me his face grim. He placed his hand gently on my shoulder and helped me stand. He didn't say anything but he didn't have to. I knew what he was trying to say. "We can't leave! I'm not.. I won't leave him... he could be hurt he he" I burst sinking into Jason's arms crying my whole body shaking with horrible sobs. I was drained my whole body empty of any kind of fight. I tried to break away from Jason's grasp as he escorted me to the Argo II. I screamed and kicked and cried, mostly cried for Percy. I knew there was no way he was alive, he was dead. I felt it. The war was over and he was gone. And I was-
Alone. I shook my head trying to rid my mind of the swirling memories that tormented me constantly. The Poseidon cabin was cold and so empty without him, but still I fell asleep with the security of his presence, my head aching with the what if thought that was Percy Jackson.

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