Gone Forever

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Summary: Percy is taken prisoner by Gaea's forces. The rest of the seven work furiously to find him, can they make it in time?

Disclaimer: I don't own the series of PJO only the plot is mine.

Annabeth POV
No one expected the attack, not even me. Everyone but Jason and Leo were sleeping, well Percy and I weren't either but we were trying to.  I sat curled against Percy in the small twin bed. The lamp light warmed the shadows casting a sunset like glow around us. Percy looked tired, bags dropped under his sea-green eyes, he seemed older. His hand drew small circles on my back soothingly. I cupped his face gently turning him toward me. His eyes met mine and he gave me a signature lopsided grin which made me melt inside. "You sleep" I said gently kissing him his lips. soft and familiar. I thought he would protest, but he studied me for a moment and then smiled again "how did I get so lucky?" He asked gently pushing a stray blonde curl behind my ear. I smiled back feeling color race into my cheeks. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, dancing with love for him. "Goodnight seaweed brain" I said, but he was already asleep. He seemed so peaceful in his sleep, his eyebrows crunched in a dream, his lips set promptly. Unfortunately Percy didn't get to sleep for too long because the Argo II rocked sideways at a 45 degree angle sending both me and Percy sprawling onto the floor. He helped me up "are you okay?" He asked worried and I assured him I was. Falling off the bed was the least of my worries. Percy pulled out riptide, on high alert. There was a scream from the top deck, we both ran pausing at the scene. Jason was laying motionless of the ground, a puddle of blood forming around his head. He was pale, but breathing. Leo was no where to be found, hazel and Piper were tied together with golden chains, gagged and in shock. Piper was crying and hazel looked scared. Frank was tied up too, separately with large bronze cuffs that seemed to be draining all of his energy, he was ashen grey sweat heading down his forehead, his eyes blood shot from the strain of staying awake. How were all of them subdued so fast? I had a strange feeling, a tingling power that radiated all around the Argo II, I could taste it in the cool air. I felt Percy next to me conscious that we were the only two left. Suddenly I was yanked backwards by my hair, Percy's hand gripped mine, but dropped it turning to face the unknown attacker. I was brutally aware of the dagger pressing against my neck, poison dripped from it burning my skin. I struggled to escape the clad iron grasp, but I couldn't. I was utterly useless, I felt weak and scared. I had t heard the attacker, let along seen him, I should be smarter then this, I am normally. Percy eyed me carefully determination set in his features. "Polybotes" he said carefully. I realized my feet were no longer on the ground, the giant held me tight squeezing my torso making it hard to breathe, I winced as some of my ribs cracked. I felt like my insides were being put through a meat grinder. I struggled to fight the urge to pass out as his grip tightened, a tear ran down my face from both hopelessness and pain. "Don't come closer, or the daughter of Athena will die, she is disposable" he said pushing the knife into my neck drawing a thin line of blood. He was using Percy, his loyalty. I tried to say something anything but I couldn't find the words. My vision was going blurry. "Put her down" Percy spat his voice was so cold it scared me. "I will, if you agree to come willingly with me" the anti-Poseidon laughed slightly digging my knife a little further causing me to yelp, I wanted to smack myself. Don't do it! He's using you! Don't listen to him! I wanted to scream but I couldn't, I couldn't do anything. Percy looked at the rest of the seven and then desperately back at me "don't" I croaked fear welling inside me. If Percy went with him, they would kill him. Percy looked away his eyes glossy with strength and will. "Promise you will set my friends free, you will leave them alone" he said. The giant nodded "swear" Percy added "I swear on the river of Styx that if you come willingly your friends shall be spared" thunder boomed. Percy dropped his sword. "No!" I cried unable to stop the welling sob that burst through my throat. My neck was burning in pain from the cut, blood dripping down my shirt.Percy looked at me sadly. I was dropped hastily falling on my injured torso which was purple and blue from bruises. Percy rushed to my side holding me close. He kissed me wiping the tears from my cheeks, gently checking over my injuries. "Percy no" I cried and he smiled slightly sadly "don't worry, I'll be fine" he said but I could hear the doubt in his voice. Piper and hazel were thrashing in their bonds frank and Jason both unconscious now. Percy looked over my injuries again tears welling in his sea-green eyes which swirled like hurricanes. "I'm sorry" he said. I wanted to say more, but Percy crumpled to the ground as Polybotes hit him in the back of the head. I began to scream the world fuzzy with pain. I coughed on blood my neck stinging. There was silence. The chains disappeared from Piper, hazel, and frank. "Where's Leo?" Hazel cried her voice shaking as she assessed Frank's injuries. Piper knelt near jason who was just becoming conscious. I laid still the extent of my injuries burning through my nerves. I stared placidly, everyone's voices muffled. Stars swarmed my vision and I fell unconscious.

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