As Long as We're Together

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Summary: Annabeth closes the doors of death leaving Percy distraught. Within Tartarus Annabeth is taken by Gaea, while Percy and the rest of the seven struggle to get to her in time.

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Annabeth POV

I knew what I had do. Percy and I stumbled through the doors of death trekking up the dirt hill and into the blinding sunlight. It wasn't clear who was supporting who, but we both collapsed in on each other falling to the ground. I buried into his chest tears streaming down my cheeks. He wiped them away gently cupping my face his sea green eyes meeting mine. "We did it, we made it" he said softly, leaning forward his lips meeting mine passionately. I was aware of how he smelled like the ocean, his strong arms wrapped around me. I felt safe and secure. But my heart was aching, I knew someone had to close the doors of death from the inside. Percy, he wouldn't let anyone else do it. It's why I had to, I had to because they needed Percy for the final battle, Olympus needed him, camp needed him, everyone needed him. Especially me. I held on to him tightly, biting my lip and trying to stop the flow of tears. The rest of the seven skidded down the dirt slope towards us. "Percy! Annabeth! Guys they're here!"  Piper called, Jason in tow. Piper tackled me in a hug, I smiled hugging her back. "Gods we didn't know what to think" she said smiling brightly her multi-colored eyes gleaming in the choppy daylight. "Listen I need you to do me a favor" I said in a low voice. Her smile dropped and she glanced over at the others who were all talking and catching up, hazel and frank on either side of Percy. "What?"she asked innocently. I shivered feeling the cold air that emitted from the doors of death. "Someone has to close the doors from the inside, it's supposed to be me" I said "what? Annabeth that's crazy" she whispered harshly. "Please Piper you have to understand, it has to be me, this is my fate" I continued, her eyes welled with tears that wouldn't fall. "Percy is going to want to go, but he can't, he's going to want to be a hero and close the doors, but it's not his fate, he's needed in the final battle, the six of you are needed" I tried to keep my voice from braking. Piper nodded softly "I need you to make sure he's okay, don't let this destroy him, please" I begged staring at Percy. He was laughing, in a carefree way his dark hair blowing gently in the breeze, his sea green eyes seeming to glow. Piper hugged me tightly "I will" she said sadly before pulling back. I turned to look back, my eyes meeting Percy's. He walked towards me. "What's wrong?" He asked taking my hands but I pulled them away, flinching slightly at the hurt look in his eyes. "I'm sorry" was all I could manage to say leaning forward and kissing him softly, he pulled away his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "Annabeth what-"
"I love you" I promised before pushing hard on his chest, not enough to knock him over, but enough to send him stumbling back a few steps. I took off running back toward the doors, running not for my life, but towards my certain death, which normally wouldn't be funny but in that moment I found it gleefully comical. "Annabeth!" Percy called his voice desperate, he was gaining on me. I skidded to a stop inside the doors pulling out my dagger and slicing the chains on the inside. Once released the doors began to slide shut quickly and there was a single moment maybe I could've jumped through, but I was too late. The crack narrowed painfully, Percy ran to the doors banging his fists in absolute fear. His eyes were filled with tears, their sea green color sparkling in the fading sunlight. My heart broke into a million pieces seeing that small sliver of his face, mainly because I would never see him again, but also because I had hurt him. "I love you too" he said his voice quivering. I tried to smile, and there was so much I wanted to say so much unsaid between us. But we both decided to leave it unsaid. He held my gaze until the doors sealed shut enclosing me in absolute darkness. I felt utterly alone, and absolutely terrified. I had no fight left in me and no hope of escaping this place. I leaned against the wall where the doors had just been trying to control my breathing as tears spilled down my cheeks. My skin was still warm from the heat of the sun, my mind still dancing with images of Percy, memories I knew I would loose to insanity or keep in death. I wouldn't survive this, even if I was able to physically stay alive, without Percy I would be mentally terminated. I couldn't think straight, everything was one big mush. Noises echoed strangely from all around, the darkness seemed to be watching me carefully like a vulture, waiting for me to die. If I was lucky enough to die. I was freezing and hot at the same time, my skin gleaming with sweat was raised with goosebumps. I kept subconsciously reaching next to me for Percy's reassuring hand and coming up empty, because I was alone. I chose to be alone, this was my fate. And in some crazy messed up way I smiled at the fact that I had done something for my friends. They had a better shot, and they would win. And the world would be saved. Somehow I did something great, I did something. I'd never felt completely useless, I was smart, but I also didn't have any godly abilities like Percy did or jason. I was just smart. Wise girl. Some fragment of my imagination embodied Percy there with me in the horrible lonely dark. It was so real, so accurate I could see him, hear him, feel him, and smell his faint ocean smell. At least we're together right? Not Percy smiled his signature lopsided grin, squeezing my hand. I smiled back leaning against his shoulder. "Yea" I said and he laughed slightly dryly. I never imagined it would end this way he said "what do you mean?" I asked dreamily. Us. I always, maybe it was more dreaming then thinking, I just always thought we would get a shot, you know at being normal. His voice was low his sea green eyes transfixed on his hands. "There is no normal for demigods... but I know" I said feeling my self yawn. I know. You sleep, I'll take first watch. He mumbled kissing my forehead, and before I could protest I was spiraling into a deep tunnel of unconsciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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