Lily's Bittersweet Memories

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Wow, it's so weird writing about The Cat and the Fox characters again after 4-5 years. This is a story revolving around what happens to Lily while Stone is away on his fox hunt. 

!SPOILER WARNING! Pretty big The Cat and the Fox spoilers ahead, so if you have not read the novel, I suggest checking it out first. Enjoy :)


Lily laid outside in the forest, warming her swollen belly in the sun. She glanced over at Daisy, her also pregnant friend, who was sleeping near her.

Any day now Lily's kits would come, but she couldn't help but feel the whole moment to be bittersweet. It would be a joy to raise them, but she missed Stone desperately, and longed for his return. She wished he could be there for the birthing, but she knew this couldn't be. The male foxes were hunting, and it was best that she wait patiently for her mate's return and raise her kits as best as she could.

She stretched her tired legs when a sudden pain shot through her body. She let out a shrill yelp, waking Daisy beside her.

Her friend's amber eyes widened. "Are they coming, Lily?" she asked.

Lily nodded through the pain.

Chase, her mother, rushed over to her side. She gently pressed her ginger tail to her daughter's stomach.

"Can you move?" Chase asked.

"I think so," Lily replied, slowly standing to her feet. Each step felt like stepping on sharp rocks, but she finally made it inside her den and collapsed on her warm nest.

"You can do this. I'll be here with you," Chase promised. Daisy stood near the entryway, watching her friend.

Lily breathed deeply and slowly let nature take its course.

"You'll have to push now," Chase spoke quietly.

Lily let out a shriek of pain as the first kit was born. A furry brown kitten sprawled onto her nest.

"A boy!" Chase announced.

The pain went on for what felt like hours. Lily bit through nearly every stick Chase gave her until she gave one final push.

"A girl!" Chase exclaimed. She felt her mother press her dark paw to Lily's stomach once more.

"You're done," she told her. "Good job, sweetheart."

Four newborn kits suckled at Lily's belly. There were three boys and one girl, all lovely and healthy.

"What will you call them?" Daisy asked from outside. Lily's heart warmed to know her friend had been with her the whole time.

"I'll call the darkest male Hazelnut," she decided, licking the little one's head. She turned to the next one sucking at her belly. "And this will be Heat."

The third tod was the smallest in size, and his gentle face reminded her somewhat of Stone. "I'll call him Bumblebee."

Lastly, she turned to the only vixen of the bunch. Her coat was lighter than the rest. "I'll call her Honey."

"Lovely names," Chase told her. "Why don't you rest? You deserve it?"

Lily grinned and watched as her mother and friend departed. A new love had stirred within her. She had never felt so much love before looking down at her four kits. Oh, it would be a joy when Stone got to see them...

Days passed, the kits slowly opened their eyes, began to hear, and were beginning to grow. They were still quite young, and incapable of speech, but it didn't matter. To Lily, they were perfect.

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