Stay Here (Cloudfur and Dovewing)

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Hello all! As I said, we would be continuing some Dovewing/Cloudfur SnowClan stories. This doesn't cover their entire life, just about up to the point when they become mates. There will be more stories about them and their friends in following chapters

Also, if I hear one more person complain that "Dovewing" already exists in the warrior books, I'm going to explode. You want to know when Dovepaw got her warrior name in role-play? 2010. And you want to know when the official Dovepaw in Omen of the Stars become Dovewing? April 2011. THIS RP CHARACTER WAS NAMED DOVEWING BEFORE SIGN OF THE MOON CAME OUT. 


Cloudkit pounced around the nursery with his two sisters while his mother sat against the wall, watching her kits play. Cloudkit was happy to be in SnowClan and finally have a home, but he wished he had more playmates. His sisters were fine, but they were the only kits in the nursery, and Cloudkit was desperate for more playmates.

It was only when he heard Icestar talking to his mother that he grew excited. A small ginger kit came to join them, and Cloudkit immediately raced to introduce himself to his new playmate.

"Hi, I'm Cloudkit!" he said excitedly.

The ginger kit smiled. "I'm Dovekit! Let's play!"

Cloudkit nodded, and from then on, the two became constant playmates and the closest of friends.

Cloudkit began to drift from his sisters, Skykit and Petalkit, from that point onward. Of course they were still close, but Dovekit became his closest playmate.

"You know you have sisters to play with too," his mother, Rosefur, would tease him.

"Yes, but I like playing with Dovekit too," he told her.

In the nursery, they were playmates and friends, and that was all that mattered to Cloudkit. He had a best friend, and he hoped to continue being friends with her as they continued to train.

Because Cloudkit was two moons older than the she-cat, he was the first to become apprentice. He was glad to train with his sisters, but saddened to leave his friend behind.

"Good luck with training," Dovekit told him. "Soon I can train with you."

He nodded and grinned, and when her day came, he proudly sat below the rock and watched as Icestar named her Dovepaw. And from that moment on, they were inseparable again.

"You have such a giant crush on her," Petalpaw teased.

"I do not!" Cloudpaw growled, his fur getting on edge.

Skypaw and Petalpaw only giggled and walked away.

He continued to deny any feelings he had for her, but it did not sway him from spending time with her. The two often trained together, and they even accompanied Icestar and the deputy Applewhisker on special missions along the territory. 

He got the sense that Applewhisker did not trust Dovepaw, but he wasn't sure why. He knew that she had been found on their territory, but that was it. Dovepaw didn't need to know her entire origin to have a rightful place in the clan, or at least he thought so anyway.

One day, dogs broke into the territory. Cloudpaw was not there when it happened, but Dovepaw was. He anxiously waited for her all day after hearing of the dogs, but it was getting late, and he supposed it was time for sleep.

Yet he couldn't shake off the fear he felt for her. He had never felt so protective of her before. Perhaps it was because he was two moons older. Yes, that was it. She was like another sister he had to protect.

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