Chapter 1

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"I keep having deja vu!" Harry said, his voice echoing through the dark trees lit by only their wands in the Forbidden Forest.

Draco pushed a branch out of his way and quickly made sure that no leaves or twigs had gotten into his hair. He'd been wearing a disgusted look the entire voyage while Harry seemed determined to complete their task of killing the first animal they see as quickly as possible. "Oh, shut your trap, Potter!" Draco snapped and dodged another branch.

Harry was effortlessly walking through the forest with his hair full of signs that'd he'd been there. Harry was quickly becoming tired of Draco's snaps and his repeated muttering about his father. "Let's split up. I'm done walking with you. I'll go right and you go left." Before Draco could reply to this idea, Harry stomped off into the darkness.

After what felt like hours, Harry stumbled upon a clearing that was full of animal corpses. His curiosity caused him to wander around the clearing, observing the bodies. He slipped his wand into his pocket for a moment and bent down on what seemed to be a dead unicorn. Harry remembered this was a sin and looked around for the creature who'd done such a thing. As he turned his head, a creature attacked him from the front. The creature jumped onto his chest, took a bite out of his arm, heard a noise in the distance and ran off leaving Harry gasping for air and clutching his injured arm.

Draco watched Harry walk off angrily and then turned to where Harry had directed him to go. He defiantly continued straight, only to spite Harry, and came across a tree that was covered in fresh blood. Draco turned to run when he sat a man as pale as the moon push him up against the tree and sink sharp object into his neck.

When Draco felt the man let go, he slid down the tree and felt weak due to the loss of blood. He had now felt a painful substance coursing through his veins and could barely see straight. Draco could now tell where Harry was by his oddly keen sense of smell and his improved hearing.

Draco, still in terrible pain, wandered to where he assumed Harry was. His walking seemed to be impaired because of the terrible feeling he had in every part of his body, but specifically his neck.

Once Draco arrived at the clearing where Harry was he sat down next to where Harry was clutching his arm in pain. "I'm going to die! I can't believe this! I'm going to die a virgin! I should've accepted Pansy's invitation!" Draco began to panic and his cowardly behavior was returning.

"I feel like that isn't our biggest issue right now, Malfoy!" Harry said and as he spoke the pain became more intense and he was clutching his arm so tight it felt like it was on the verge of breaking. "Listen, Draco, w-we need to c-call for help. Ah—my arm!" Harry was in worse pain than he'd ever been in. Not even the worst of his scar could compare to this.

"Y-You're right, your arm." Draco said, now staring at the blood dripping between Harry's fingers and onto the dirt.

"W-What about i-it?" Harry asked and Draco didn't respond, but licked his lips. "Malfoy, what're you—ah!" Harry screamed as Draco picked up Harry's injured arm, licked the blood trickling down and then sank his teeth deeply into the wound.

Draco pulled away almost a moment later, after realizing what he was doing and panic struck him again. "Why did I just do that? This is all Filch's fault for giving us detention and forcing us to go out here! Wait until my father hears about this!" Draco wiped some blood from his lips and Harry noticed a sharpness in his eyes disappear.

Harry still felt that he was losing a lot of blood and his assumptions were correct. Soon his vision became blurry and he became drowsy. His awareness disappeared and his eyes closed as he fell unconscious on the forest floor.

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