Chapter 6

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The damage didn't seem too bad, but Draco's enhanced senses realized that something was off. He tried to keep his eyes off the cut and could feel his fangs extend along with his eyes turning a scarlet red rather than their normal silver, but he tried to contain himself, tensing every bone in the hopes to make them unable to move.

Hisses could be heard as the snake slithered off, but Draco was unsure if he was the only one who could hear the noise. The wind picked up, almost as if it also knew something was wrong. Harry's eyes blinked rapidly, he swayed on his feet and his skin was becoming as pale as Draco's. It was obvious to him what was going to occur next, but as reached out to stop the boy from falling Harry fell to the dirt, losing consciousness. Draco tripped over his own feet, quickly stopped himself from falling and then kneeled down to scoop Harry up. Draco stood up and stayed there for a moment, having been hit with the realization that the weird smell radiating from the normal delicious blood must've been poisonous venom.

His feet couldn't have moved faster than they were at that moment, it felt much quicker getting out there than going back. "Mrs. Weasley, Lupin, someone!" He screamed while running, hoping to alert them that they needed to be prepared to help. Once the house was in view, he realized it didn't look as rundown as it had before, but almost flowed in the sunlight and filled him with the slightest hint of relief.

Every eye within the kitchen was now on him, most not kind, but scared with a hint of hatred. "Malfoy, what did you do?" Mrs. Weasley asked, tearfully.

"Put him down on the table, quickly!" Lupin stated and as the oldest Weasley brother pushed off all plates or glasses without hesitating, Draco carefully laid him down, making sure not to injure him further. "What happened?"

"A snake came and but him and he he bled and I held myself back and he fell and—" Draco couldn't finish his statement because everything was getting to him. He turned away, holding back tears and running his hands through his hair to cope.

"Don't lie, Malfoy! We can see your fangs and your eyes!" Mrs. Weasley screamed, holding back tears and Draco began to hyperventilate.

"Molly, let's not worry about that right now. We must take him to St. Mungo's." Lupin said and picked up Harry as Draco had moments ago. They all headed, almost sprinted, for the door so they could get out of bounds and apparate, but as Draco went to go with them the oldest brother held him back. "Yes, Malfoy, I believe it might be a bit safer if you stay here. My apologies, dear boy." Lupin said and they all left, leaving Draco wide eyed and stunned. Crack! All of them were gone.

Draco continued to gasp for air and pulled a rickety wooden seat to sit in. It had only been maybe a minute since they took their leave, but it was so painful it almost felt like it was transferring from mental to physical.

The day couldn't have been any more than halfway through and he already felt like he screwed everything up. Draco couldn't take the rushing thoughts any longer and tried to fight them, trying to convince himself that he hated Harry so this was no inconvenience to him, but he could barely even say the words in his head without wincing. Eventually, the strain of his own mind caused him to lay his head down and fall soundly asleep at the table.

He awoke to a voice he hadn't heard in a while. "I'm home from woe—" Said Mr. Weasley, but clearly stopped when he saw Draco. It was quiet obvious that Draco couldn't pass off as his child because of his pearly blonde hair, silver eyes and Slytherin robes.

Still groggy, Draco didn't react at first, but as he raised his head to see Mr. Weasley's increasingly angered face, his eyes widened and he began to fear what would happen next. "Hello, Mr. Weasley." Draco tried to say kindly, but was never one for kindness. He rose out of his chairs and took a few steps backward, making every floorboard under him creak. "...Let me explain."

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