Chapter 2

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Harry opened his eyes slowly to reveal a bright room and he was laying on the soft cushion of a bed. He turned his head to the left, with excruciating pain, and saw Draco looking paler than ever and sitting up, hyperventilating. "This isn't possible. This can't be possible!" His voice was raising as he repeated the lines over and over again.

A moment later Madam Pomfrey walked in and, making sure she wasn't too close to the boy, handed Draco a bottle of a scarlet liquid. "I'm not going to drink it! I won't!" Draco yelled and the lady and she scurried off back into another room and for the first time in forever, Harry had seen her not argue when a student refused to drink whatever sort of liquid they received.

Harry turned away from Malfoy to look down at his arm that had been tightly bandaged and had stopped bleeding, but still felt extremely painful. He lifted his head to sit up, but dropped it back onto the pillow when he felt too weak to rise.

Draco stared hungrily into the pint of blood that he'd been refusing. Despite claiming he wasn't going to drink it, the smell was making his mouth water and he could feel that at any moment he was going to crack and suck down the entire pint.

Harry realized the ominous behavior, but decided it was too painful to say or do anything about this. Harry closed his eyes and prayed that when he awoke, the pain would be gone.

Draco could feel his breathing getting heavier
and finally placed the bottle on the table beside him. He smelt something delicious that had been lingering all day, but seemed especially apparent now. He turned to see Madam Pomfrey had removed Harry's bandages and was busy grabbing new ones. Draco felt his teeth grow sharper and his breathing more focused. The only thing he knew was that the blood streaking down Harry's arm was the only blood that seemed appetizing.

"Draco!" Madam Pomfrey snapped a little, but cautiously so and Draco realized what he'd been staring at. "Control yourself!" Draco avoided her gaze because it had been filled with fear of what Draco had become and laid back down with his hands behind his head.

"I want to leave. I'm fine." Draco said calmly and it felt more that he was trying to convince himself rather than Madam Pomfrey.

"You'll be able to leave when you can keep yourself under control. Also, you're not fine because you're a vampire."

Harry had apparently woken up from his incredibly short sleep at the wrong time and had heard her call Draco a vampire. "Wait, wha—ouch!" Harry had sat up so fast that a sharp pain had coursed through his body. He looked at Draco who was now staring at him along with Madam Pomfrey who appeared to be scared by his sudden movement.

"Yes, Potter. He is a vampire, but you are a werewolf."

Harry had felt shock like no other that quickly turned to denial just like Draco. "No. No!" Harry stated, then yelled. He was smiling yet so angry and rose from the bed despite the pain he felt. "No, you heard me? No!" Harry took a step and looked outside to see the moon shining in on him and something within him begin to change.

Draco watched as Madam Pomfrey ran for it, but claimed she was going to get Dumbledore. Draco rose and watch the boy slowly and clearly painfully transform into a wolf that didn't even look at him twice before sprinting out of the hospital wing. Draco had now cracked and began to sprint after the boy for the want of his blood.

Harry felt like he was in a body that was not his own and had no control over his actions. He watched as his paws repeatedly pounded on the floor and practically jumped down the staircase to run to into the entrance hall and saw the opening of the Great Hall. His hearing was magnificent and one of the few things he could control. He could hear Ron through all of the ruckus. "We should probably go and visit Harry. Blimey do you think he's really a werewolf?" Suddenly, Harry's body began to hurdle into the Great Hall. He jumped upon the Gryffindor table and began to howl right in front of Ron and Hermione. "I suppose that answered my question." He heard Ron say through the screams that echoed. He looked all around and felt hungrier than he'd ever had, but he felt a sudden jolt of pain and realized he crashed across the room and into the wall. Harry slid down the wall and laid there, too weak to get up.

Draco ran into the Great Hall to see only a few people still in shock and sitting down. He ran toward the wolf that had been thrown against the wall by McGonagall and felt his fangs, as sharp as knives, grow. He bent over the wolf and sunk his teeth into the wolf's neck as the wolf yelped in pain. Draco could hear Harry's friend screaming behind him and trying to pull him off, but Draco had found a new strength along with being so hungry that no one could pull him away from his prey.

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