Chapter 3

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Harry awoke and he looked around the room. It was empty, but he remembered it as being the original place he found the Mirror of Erised. He attempted to run at the door, but was flung back by a chain that was connected to a wall. The chain allowed him a little room to roam, but did not allow him to go anywhere a window or the door. After multiple attempts of breaking the chain, he gave up and to a seat. He still felt as if he was inside a body that wasn't his own and he had no control over. He sat down and peered around the room, hoping it wouldn't be empty like it was the other times he looked, but it was.

Someone must've ripped off where Harry was because he heard whispers from right outside the door. They were too quiet to decipher, but he imagined that they were not exactly compliments. He growled angrily at the noises and howled repeatedly, hoping to alert someone who could help him if his presence, but not one came so he eventually gave up and fell asleep on the cold wood floor.

Harry had opened his eyes and imagined another painful day of solitude, but when he went to get up the chains sagged and fell to his shoulders. He lifted the chains over his head and left them hit the floor. "Hello?" Harry said and heard his voice echo. He was human again, but no one appeared to be coming back for him. The only sign that someone had been in to check on him was a plate that laid on the floor and was full of chicken along with a neatly stacked pair of clothes.

As he finished getting dressed in Muggle clothes someone had left for him, the door swung open and an angry McGonagall was dragging Draco by his forearm. "You must listen if you want to stay in this school. Parents will see you as a danger if you allow yourself to run on empty and almost attack every student you see. We're already getting complaints about you and Mr. Potter!" McGonagall said and pushed Draco onto the floor. She hadn't realized Harry had turned back and Harry was staring blankly at the scene. McGonagall turned to see Harry and looked pleased that he'd turned back. "Oh, Harry, good. Well, now that you're normal you can hurry back to your common room." She said and Harry nodded before walking straight out the door without looking back.

Draco zoned out and was replaying the scene in his head. It hadn't even been too bad, but all the teachers freaked. He was sitting in the Great Hall and there had been a goblet in front of him that appeared to be filled with blood, which he refused to drink. He had turned toward the Gryffindor table to see Harry missing and returned his gaze to look at the people within his vicinity at the Slytherin table. No one looked pleased with his new lust for blood and the first years jumped every time he even looked their way, but Pansy didn't seem to mind. As she opened her mouth to say something that was clearly going to be flirtatious, Draco lost control and lunged at the girl. The moment had happened so quick, but he remembered his hands reaching for her arms, his fangs growing in size and his head quickly heading for her neck before almost everyone at the table quickly grabbed him. Although he was stronger than most now, the multitude of students all pulling at him stopped him before he could penetrate the skin and pushed him back into his seat.

After he spent what felt like hours replaying the moment in his head and scowling, he heard someone yell from the outside of the door. "Alohomora!" He sat up and stared at the door waiting for something. He'd heard the spell McGonagall used to seal the door and he could've easily got out by using the spell he just heard, but his wand had been confiscated for the time being. The door swung open to reveal a sight he certainly hadn't been expecting. The door opened to show Mrs. Weasley staring calmly at him.

He blinked and expected her to be gone, but as he opened his eyes she still continued to stare down at him. She walked towards him slowly and offered her hand to help him up, which he took and rose to his feet. Draco took a couple steps back and pinched himself to make sure it was real. "I'd be careful, you know, I'm even more dangerous now than what I was." Despite saying this, Draco was sure he wasn't going to do anything because the sight of her seemed to make him lose his appetite.

She continued to stare at him and it continuously became sharper as she stayed. Finally, she spoke, "We're here to take Harry back to our house until he feels a little better and his wound heals." She said, but almost snapped and he was filled with fear and curiosity.

"Wait, he's fine, isn't he? Why would he need to go to your home?" Draco asked and tried to make his voice sound as steady as possible.

Mrs. Weasley's state seemed to soften and Draco assumed that his attempt to sound as if he didn't care wasn't working. "He collapsed, but that's perfectly normal and since he's freshly bitten he may be ill for a little while." She said and Draco quickly turned from her to look at the floor. "Point is, he says that you need a place to go too. Now, if it was up to me you wouldn't come near my home, but since he's insisting that you need to be cared for also you can stay there while Harry heals." As soon as she finished Draco returned her stare and saw that it seemed soft, but sharp simultaneously.

All the fear of what his father would say if they sent him him faded and without thinking he walked forward and hugged Mrs. Weasley so tight that he almost broke her ribs. "Thank you!" He felt tears well up in his eyes and didn't know what was happening. Normally he would never hug someone so dirty and poor, but he couldn't help himself and almost began to cry hysterically when she returned his hug.

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