IV. Sean McLoughlin//01

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I got the idea off of Tumblr, but I'm gonna put more of a story behind the imagine. I hope you enjoy.

You were running up the stairs towards Sean's recording room when you tripped on one of his Septic Sam's and sprained your ankle.

As I was reconding Resident Evil 7, I hear a thud and (Y/N) cry in pain. *gif*, I got up and ran to see if they were okay. "Hey Friend, are you okay. That was quite a fall" I laughed to lighten the mood alittle. "Sean, I think I sprained my ankle, can you please help me to the couch?" They asked politely.

I help them up and carry them to the couch, I grabbed them an ice pack and told them I'd be right back. I went to finish my recording and then came back to cuddle with (Y/N) because they are just so fucking cute. I want to ask them out but I don't know if they like me back, so I guess I'll have to wait.

You have no idea how many butterflies I got when cuddling Sean. He is just so handsome and perfect, I've had this crush on him forever and someday I hope he asks me out but till then I'll wait to kiss those lushes pink lips of his.

Should I do a part two or no? Can you please let me know. Also request are welcome.

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