XXXIII. Paul Kennedy

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"Listen up kids, I have a fun new video Idea that totally hasn't happened on this channel" I said running into the GG room. "Paul, if it's something to do with me being teams with Connor, then I am gonna shot myself" Y/N laughed. "You know what it does, you are covering for Matt, so you have to be teammates with Connor" I sassed her. Y/n rolled their eyes and laughed. "I swear to God, Connor, if you kill me" they look at him, "I will kill you." I laughed at Y/n and Connor's playful feud. I sat next to Tanner, and whispered to him on how to "kill" Connor and Y/n in PROP HUNT.  "Anyways, lets get this video over with" Tanner sighed.


"That game I swear , got worse each round we played" I laid back into my chair. "But can it do this" is all I hear before I fall off my chair and the whole crew burst out laughing. "Man down" Tanner yelled through his laughter, them Matt walked in. "What's going on here?" He was confused why I was on the floor and Y/N was above me. "Did Y/N attack you?" Matt looked around. "No he was doing the Pewdiepie 'but can it do this' meme and fell off the chair" Y/N laughs. Matt shakes his head and walks out the room in disappointment. "Why do I work with you guys."

A little bit later we were talking about having lunch. "I say the Habit" Matt pipes up, "What about Chick-fil-A?" Y/N replied. Tanner. Connor and I thought about it "McDonalds" we said. Y/N and Matt shook their head and agreed that it might be quicker then either. So, all five of us hoped in my car. "Why do you have to put the two muscular guys in the back with little ole me?" Matt wined. "Well Matthew, Y/N doesn't need to get their ear talked off by Tanner's sports talk or they don't need to kill Connor" I said driving to McDrugs.


"Hey Y/N can I talked to you" I asked them as we pulled into my parking spot. "Yeah sure" They smiled. The others boys got out of the car with their food and wait for us at a respectful distance. "What's up, Pauly-Pooh?" I let out a big sigh "You know how we have been friends since we were little right" They nod. "Well I ant to just say that I really like you" They looked at me and nodded. "Paul I like you too but I don't like you in that way. I am so sorry. I have this huge crush on Woods" I laughed at how happy they got over the mention of Woodland's name. "It's fine, as long as we can stay friends, I am fine with that." We hugged and got out of the car, they ran up to Tanner and Connor pipes in. "Did you tell them?" I nodded "And?" He stoped me. "They didn't like me back but they like Woods" "I see, now we need Woods and them to get together" I agree and went to work on our plan in Red Base.

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