Stiles |Requested|

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Rating: PG
Requested: yes

a/n: sorry for the late response, been busy xx

"Cathrine, could you please show James around?" your teacher asked you as you took notes in your notebook. "sure" you said. You were always one to make friends with people, you liked getting to know new people so you happily agreed.

You looked up at the new student, James as he walked up to the seat beside you and sat down. Your boyfriend Stiles was sitting on the other side of you, watching him sit and introduce himself to you. You smiled and shook his hand before you turned to Stiles and introduced them.

You learned that James basically had all the classes you did except 2. After 3rd period you invited him to join you and Stiles for lunch.

After grabbing your meals, you walked over to your table and introduced James to everyone at the table before you sat down beside Stiles. "So James, how're you liking your first day?" Scott asked as he shoved a fry into his mouth. You laughed and took a drink out of your water bottle. "Well thanks to my amazing guide here, it's been great." he answered as he looked at you.

You could've swore you saw Stiles deflate a bit. You wanted to ask him if he was okay but decided to wait until you two were alone before anything. However, Stiles had a different plan, standing up and walking out of the cafeteria. "Stiles!" you called out attempting to follow him but he was gone by the time you reached the doors.

After school you sighed when you saw Stiles was not even on campus. His car was not in the parking lot and he was your ride.

You took a deep breath before walking off to Stiles house. You wanted to find out what was up with him.

Once arriving at his house you knocked on the door only for Sheriff Stilinski to answer. "Cathrine? What're you doing here?" he asked as he grabbed his keys, obviously ready to leave to work. "Just visiting Stiles, he seemed kinda out of it today." you shrugged and he nodded in understanding. "I'm off to work, you're welcome to stay as long as you need Cathrine, have a good day!" he said as he walked out to his car. You waved before walking in and closing the door.

"Stiles?" you called out as you made your way to his room. As you neared his door you heard sniffling and you immediately opened the door. Stiles was on his bed, his head between his hands as his tears dropped down to the floor. "babe what's wrong?" You asked him as you dropped your bag on the floor and kneeled in front of him.

"you like him don't you?" were the first words to fall out of his mouth. "what?" you asked confused. His hair was a mess atop his head. The raven hair looked like he had been running his hands through it for hours. His under eyes were red from the harsh fabric of his sleeve when he wiped the tears from his eyes. "you like James, why wouldn't you?" he asked as his looked back up at you.

"What're you talking about? I don't like James, or at least not like that Stiles." You clarified and put your hands on his cheeks to wipe the tears. He shook his head in frustration, "why wouldn't you Cathrine?! He's a great guy, I mean i saw the way he looked at you, the way you enjoyed yourself with him!" he cried out and pulled at his roots. "i'm a mess compared to him! don't you hear what people say?! 'how can a girl like Cathrine end up with an idiot like Stilinski?'" he mocked before shutting his eyes and throwing his head back and swallowing the lump in his throat.
You could tell he was trying to keep calm. "your gunna leave me." he said before panic set into his eyes. You moved to deny it but he carried on. "oh god i knew it! i just made it worse now didn't i?" he rushed out as he shook his head. His breathing grew rapid and his chest was heaving with each intake of breath. Tears  streamed down his face as he tugged at the roots of his hair and his breathing picked up tremendously. You could tell he was having a panic attack.

"Stiles! Relax!" you cried and he shook his head. "NO PLEASE CATHRINE DONT LEAVE ME. I- I LOVE- I LOVE YOU." he begged and you were quick to put your lips against him to stop his heavy breathing. You pulled away and tasted his tears on your lips. He was more relaxed but still looked frantically. "Stiles, I love you. Not James. I don't care for him like that, You're everything to me. And i don't care what others say, you're not an idiot, you're incredibly smart and brave. You're everything i could ever ask for." you cried as you hugged him. Your tears soaked your rosy cheeks and he hugged you back. Your head rested on his heart and you heard it slow down and relax. "I love you Stiles. I always will." you said as you looked up at him and sat on his lap to meet his face level. "I love you too Catherine.." he said and smiled. You leaned in for a kiss and he kissed back. "so much." he sighed against your lips.

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