Scott | Requested|

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|Scott |

Requested: yes

Rating: G

Word Count: 600+


It was your first time back playing a lacrosse game after you've been bitten. You had spoken to Scott and Derek already regarding your controlling of your newfound traits. Both strongly advised against laying but today was a very important game and you were not about to miss it. "Rachel! I want you on the field!" coach shouted, making you run off to your position. 

From a distance, Scott shot you a thumbs up and a smile, making your heart melt. He was the sweetest and most caring boyfriend you could ever ask for and you wouldn't trade him for the world. As the whistle blew, you focused solely on the game, that was  all you needed to think about at that moment.

Time flew by and your home team was winning by 2 points. You were sweaty and tired but that didn't stop you from playing your best. An opposing team member neared you and scoffed, "princess, why don't you step out, this is a man's game" he fired at you. This was no surprise to you, you'd constantly had to deal with ignorant assholes who criticized your interest in playing. You ignored him and kept your eyes trained on the ball. "are you deaf? What makes you think you can actually play lacrosse, do me a favor and get out of my way" he muttered and shoved your shoulder. Anger bubbled within you and you began to struggle with control. You gripped your lacrosse pole and focused your energy into it. 

The other play continued to nag and you looked down at your shoes as your eyes flared a bold amber color. "Scott" you whispered, knowing he'd still hear. You felt your claws begin to grow and you huffed out, wanting to beat that son of a bitch into the ground. You felt a hand on your shoulder and your heart raced, hopping it wasn't another player. "Rachel, breathe" you heard Scott coax you, his hand reassuring you. You took a deep breath and tried to calm down but it only frustrated you more. You dropped your gear and sprinted off to the locker rooms. 

"Rachel! What the hell! Stilinski fill in!" you heard coach shout. "I'll go get her!" Scott shouted out to coach as he sprinted after you. 

You reached the locker room and shed the rest of your gear until you were in your underwear and a tank top you wore under your jersey. You turned on the water, leaving it cold as it hit your body. Scott's foot steps neared as he finally reached you. You were shifting more, panicking about your lack of control. "Rachel! Listen to me! Listen to my voice" Scott ordered. You looked up at  him from your place under the shower head. "Breathe" he sighed as he walked closer. 

You stayed still, your eyes focused on him. He stopped in front of you and shut the water off. Your breathing was still heavy as you forced yourself to suppress the shift. He leaned in quickly and kissed you, softly, bringing you closer to him. You stopped shifting, your nails, eyes and teeth returning to normal as your arms reached up around his neck. He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. "better?" he asked as he watched you finish shifting back to normal. You nodded, embarrassed at your lack of control. "Its okay to loose control Rache, you just need to find your anchor" he said and smiled softly. "You keep me anchored, that's how I keep control" he explained and held your hands in his. 

You took a deep breath and hugged him. "Your my anchor too Scott. I love you" you sniffled, hearing his heart race for a bit. "I love you too Rachel" he whispered back and kissed you again. 

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