He Cheats |2|

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It had been a week since you broke up with Stiles and he wasn't having it. He called you everyday and spammed your phone with apology messages. Scott even came up to you to ask for you to forgive him. You still loved Stiles but you couldn't trust him anymore.
"Y/N please just hear me out. Look I'm so damn sorry, I was stupid for have cheated on you but I promise that it will never happen again if you take me back. I need you in my life Y/N dammit. I can't stand those lonely nights without you or the fact that you're still angry and hurt because of me" he cried. His hand loosely hung onto your wrist but you still pulled away. You stayed quiet for a moment before kissing him. It was soft and needy but you pulled away. "I'm sorry Stiles but I can't have a relationship with someone who I don't trust anymore" you whispered before walking down the halls, leaving him there to break down.


Since you had been part of Derek's pack, you had to visit the loft often, even if you tried your best to not show up as much as before. Every time you visited, Peter was no where in sight. "He must be with another one of his whores" you thought to yourself.
Today was different though. You had shown up at Derek's loft for advise on how to search for an anchor since you didn't have Peter in your life anymore. The simple thought of his name brought you anger and sadness. "Derek?" you called out. You walked in and looked at the kitchen. Nobody. You went to his room. Nobody. You were just about to leave when you saw Peter sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. You listened carefully and heard him stifle a cry. "Peter?" You swallowed hard and took a step in his direction. He only groaned. "I can't stop hearing her voice! I'm slowly going to drive myself insane!" he cried. You stood infront of him and removed his hands. "You're not hearing things this time" You whispered. "Y/N?" he asked hopeful. "I'm not here for you. I was here for Derek, but um, why are you crying?" You asked. "I miss you Y/N.. I can't live without you. I thought I would be able to get over you and move on but I can't. You invaded my senses and I cant do anything without remember your face when you saw me with the other girl. I know I fucked up and I wish I could fix it" He said. You looked down before looking at him. "I'm sorry" you cried before standing up. "No y/n please.. give me another chance!" he said. You shook your head, your lip trembling. "I'm sorry" you repeated before quickly walking out of the loft and siding against the wall, crying.


You couldn't stand to look or hear Jennifer since that day. You dropped out of her class and avoided her at all cost. Derek would try to call you, text you, visit you at school or at your house.
Derek couldn't take it anymore so he told Isaac and Erica to kidnap you and take you to the loft. You already knew it was them so you didn't fight back. You felt Isaac carry you into the woods with Erica following close behind. "You should've told Derek that kidnapping me won't help" you said. "We tried" Erica sighed. You stayed silent the rest of the way until Isaac sat you on the cold ground. "You guys are so nice to your guests" You said sarcastically. Derek growled. "Did they hurt you?" he asked. "No you idiot" You said. Isaac took the sack off your head and you saw Derek crouched down to your level. His hand softly cupped your cheek and you fought the erg to lean into his touch. "You're still so beautiful" he commented. "what do you want Hale" you snapped. "y/n i just want you to hear me out. It was a mistake. I was hurt, badly and I needed healing. I was so weak that I couldn't get angry to get my adrenaline running. Jennifer found me in the parking lot and she brought me home. I was so weak and confused that I couldn't register what we were doing. I thought it was you and the next morning I immediately kicked her out and went out to search for you. It was such a huge mistake and I know you will never forgive me. I just wanted to tell you my side. I still love you y/n" he said and held my hand. "I love you too Derek but I need time, a lot of time. That's why I think its best if we see other people" You said ad looked down. You heard his heart stop for a brief moment. "Please y/n don't do this. Just give me time to fix my mistakes while you get over the situation. I cant stand the tough of another boys holding you or making love to you" he said. "I'm sorry Derek. I just really need time."

After countless DMs and comments about continuing the series,  it's here. You can also find it on my tumblr :


Love your guys' support, thank you loves xx

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