{ chapter five: a new day }

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a new day 

{ Hazel } 

I sat cross-legged on my bed and toyed around with my phone. I looked through old texts, played a little bit of Angry Birds, and took a few weird Snapchats to send to Noah back home. I was insanely bored and I knew exactly what Mom would say if I said it to her: "Hazel! It is a nice day. Go outside and play." But then again, I'm sixteen and I don't 'play' anymore. 

So, I lay on my back and stared at the ceiling. I kept thinking a lot - especially about what happened two nights ago. I kept thinking about Bryce and Noel and just everything that has happened ever since I got here. 

I haven't really talked to Bryce since that night. It was because I was partially afraid and partially angry at him. So, I kept my distance from him and removed my distance from Noel. 

Noel. I felt really bad for the guy. Seeing him on the ground beaten up and bloodied made me feel angry and sad - maybe if I got there earlier I could have stopped Bryce. But, like I keep telling myself in my head, it wasn't my fault.

It was Bryce's. 


After hearing a knock on the door, I opened it up and found Dad standing there with a really tourist-looking hawaiian blue shirt and pair of khaki shorts. "Uh ... Dad?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Hazel, this is your new work uniform. We're heading down to the store right after you change." He then handed me the clothes, to which I took hesitantly and put them down on my bed.

"Dad, what exactly am I going to do at the store? Besides, you know, working and all.." I ran my fingers through my hair and sat and the edge of my bed. I knew that Dad was going to make me work at the store he and Natalie owns, but I never knew I'd be starting so early. The only job I have ever had was at Head to Toe boutique back home. I looked up at Dad, who leaned against the door frame, and sighed softly. "Well, you'll be working and you'll meet Reese and Blake - my other employees there." Great, I now have to socialize with two other people that I've never met. Like embarassing myself and preventing myself from making any friends is just what I needed.

"Uh .. okay. I'll change and I'll meet you at the car." After picking up the hawaiian shirt to check it out, Dad shut the door behind him and left me to change into my new work clothes. I quickly slipped off my striped tank top and white shorts and threw them in my laundry basket.

After putting on an undershirt and my khakis, I buttoned up the blue hawaiian shirt and looked in my full-body mirror that leaned against the wall. I looked horrendous with my pale skin. The blue shirt attracted attention to my pale, skinny frame and looked a little big on me. The khakis were okay, but I preferred my shorts to them. As for shoes, I just put on my worn black sneakers. Mascara was the only makeup I put on, but it didn't seem to make a difference for my average face and dull eye color; but, it was a simple start. 

After finishing and tying my hair into a ponytail, I quickly walked out of my room and downstairs where I met up with Natalie and none other than Bryce who was busily texting on his phone. Right as I walked up to them, he looked up and my eyes met with his bright blue ones. They gave off a certain warmth, but I could feel the lingering coldness that radiated from them; I was standoffish, and I tried to avoid all eye contact with Bryce, but his eyes kept drawing me towards him. I felt insecure. 

"Hazel! Off to work, right? Good luck on your first day. You'll love Reese and Blake, they're really good kids." Natalie put her hand on my shoulder and gave me the same warm smile she gave when I first met her. When I finally looked at Bryce, he gave a small smile and said, "Except for Blake. He's a player, and I don't trust him." I scoffed and quickly added, "Bryce, you don't trust anybody." Inside of me, I felt proud of myself that I gave a snarky and sassy comment. One point for you, Hazel. You go, Hazel. 

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