{ chapter seven: feelings }

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{ Noel }

What the hell?

Standing in front of me was Hadley and Owen Cameron: the richest twins in Clementine Port. Hadley's hair was different than the last time I saw her. Instead of the usual long, curly Lorde hair that she had was now up to her shoulders and it wasn't as curly anymore.

Owen was the same. He followed his twin sister around everywhere and agreed on everything she said - and his nickname suited him, "The Lap Dog."

Everyone stared at the twins. Their arrival was completely unexpected, but to me - it wasn't. I always knew they were coming but I had no idea that planned to come back today.

The Cameron twins's arrival and Blake kissing Hazel topped off the list of 'WTF' moments for probably everyone, including me. Seeing Blake kiss Hazel made me angry, don't take this the wrong way. I hold no romantic feelings for Hazel, it's just that Blake is a player and him kissing Hazel proves that he plays in ways nobody expected him to. And for Hazel, a naive and awkward girl, to be played by him is the worst.

Hadley sighed as Owen ran to the cooler to bring back two bottles of Apple beer, which Hadley happily popped the cap to and drank slowly. When she was done halfway with the beer, she removed it from her lips and glanced around at the crowd. She raised her red eyebrow when she saw me standing right next to Mason.

"Noel! How good it is to see you." Her voice was like a snake's hissing. Her pupils were almost in slits-a Cameron family trademark. I knew she was being sarcastic; she was being fake, like she always was. Owen just stood there staring at me. No words were exchanged, just looks of anger and disgust.

"Yeah, you too, Hadley and Owen," I grunted. The crowd was silent, they were waiting for something to blow up or somebody to get into a fight. Hadley's eyebrows furrowed and her mouth was in a small frown - clearly, she expected me to sneer back and say something .. clever, I guess? I wasn't going to play in Hadley's idiotic plan, I am going to be playing my own game with Hadley.

"Well, what are all you idiots looking at? Get back to .. partying or whatever the hell you are doing," Hadley snapped at the crowd - which all of them immediately went back to whatever they were doing. Sadly, the spell of Hadley still existed within the minds of all the students of Clementine Port High, and she would be the leader along with Bryce.

The past was coming back.

But, I noticed the only person who didn't listen was Hazel. She came up to me and put her small hand on my shoulder.

"Are you .. okay?" Hazel asked softly, her eyebrows furrowing softly. I sighed and softly brushed off her hand, turning away from Hadley I looked right into Hazel's eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine," I murmured to her, giving her a reassuring look. It was good to know that Hazel cared, unlike other people. After giving a bright smile, she said, "Okay, I just wanted to make sure..Um, I should get back before Reese drags me back there herself,"

Before Hazel could go back to her friends, Hadley stopped her. Oh god. Hadley called out her by saying, "You - girl. Stay." When Hazel turned around to meet with Hadley's snake-like eyes, tension filled the still air. I could see her hands clench it neat fists and her eyes wander away from Hadley's.

But Hadley was interested in Hazel, not in that way - but she wanted to know who she was and why I was involving myself with her. Her lips pursed, as if trying to find out what to say to Hazel - she was studying her. "Are you little Noel's girlfriend?" asked Hadley, whose left hand was on her hip. Hazel raised an eyebrow, "Of course I'm not his girlfriend," I nodded as well, "We aren't dating, Hadley," 

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