{ chapter eight: a night to remember }

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a night to remember



Noel pulled up to Hadley and Owen's mansion just outside of Clementine Port leading into the town over. It was loud and bright and a little annoying, but Noel didn't mind as long as he was with Jane. 

Standing in front of the Cameron manor were some drunk teens mixed in with others just casually lounging around with solo cups in hand. Noel quickly got out of the driver seat and opened the door for an eager Jane, who to him, looked as beautiful as ever.

"Well, aren't you the most chivalrous guy?" she said sweetly, giving him a light kiss on the cheek. Noel, hand in hand with Jane, walked up the steps of the large home and swung open the door. There were tons of people, some going up the stairs, some dancing, and some at the keg drinking as much as they could.

From the corner of Noel's eye, he saw Bryce Parsons walk towards them. His arm was around Charlotte and his hand was on her waist. Charlotte was out of it, as always, as she kept downing her beer and just completely ignoring Jane and Noel's presence. 

"Hey, Bryce." Jane said softly, tightening the grip on Noel's hand. Noel did the same. "Hey, Jane .. Noel." Bryce said cooly, trying on a new 'cool' facade that he usually used in front of his buddies or just recently - Jane and Noel. When they were all friends, Bryce was normal. He was funny, kind, and cared about everybody. But ever since the breakup, he had changed.

A few months prior, Jane and Bryce had gone out as an item. But Jane didn't like Bryce like that anymore. Once he started to get more popular, he became ignorant and very arrogant and Jane, whose kind personality always shined, couldn't handle his new personality anymore.

So, when they broke up, Jane confided in Noel - her best friend. Once in a while, they would talk on the phone. Jane would call just to chat - as friends - and it would end up as a three hour phone call about lobsters or pencils. But, everytime they called eachother, they loved it. They were falling in love with eachother, and it seemed that whenever they talked and heard eachother's voices, the stars aligned and everything felt right. 

After quickly saying, "Bye." to eachother, we went off in different directions with different purposes. Bryce's intention was to go drink some more while Jane and Noel's were just to talk to old friends and talk to eachother. All they wanted was a completely innocent relationship where they loved eachother emotionally, and sometimes, physically. 

Jane pulled a few strands of hair behind her ear when she noticed Hadley chatting it up with some guy named Jake. Hadley was her bestfriend, and she would do anything for her. Back when it was normal, Hadley was a kind, popular girl. But it all changed. 

"Hadley! This party is amazing." Jane said happily, pulling her into a friendly hug. "Thanks to you and Noel! Without your help, my parents would've totally found out about tonight." Her smile was kind, and wide and pearly white. It gave off a radiant glow that cheered up anybody who caught sight of her smile; it was completely different than how she smiled now. 

Noel put her arm around Jane and pulled her into a quick kiss, recieving a quick eye roll from a flustered Hadley. "Really, guys? Right in front of me? Get a room - just not mine, Owen's, or my parent's. Gross." She fake gagged and sipped some more of her beer. "Where is Aiden, Hadley?" Jane asked politely, adjusting her right earring. "We broke up right before the party. Can you believe him? He's such a jerk." After Hadley sighed and finished her beer, Jane softly pushed Noel's arm off of her and looked straight into his eyes. "Noel, can I speak to Hadley for a minute? I'll be right back." And then, pulling Hadley into the other direction, Noel watched as they went into the other room to speak to eachother.

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