Chapter 7

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Katniss POV:

We run down the corridor "Peeta do you remember what room they are in?" I yell taking a right at the end

"Yes keep running then do left they are their" he shouts back a smile forms on my face as I keep running "In there" he yells and I stop suddenly

"Fluer! Logan!" I scream hitting on the door I hear their muffled voice from inside and a few unfamiliar ones "Let me in!" Peeta runs to my side and pulls out the keys "Someones in there with them" I tell him "Are you ready for another fight?" everyone nods and Peeta shoves open the door

"Everyone on the floor!" he yells holding a gun in front of him with his finger paused over the trigger, four guards drop to the ground "Fleur, Logan get over here" they run over and I gather them into a hug

"Go with uncle Haymitch he'll take you somewhere where you'll be safe hurry we don't have much time" I tell them pushing them towards Haymitch "Go I'll see you soon" I grab the gun from my side and nod to the others time to shoe who's boss around here

"Give us all you weapons and don't try any funny business with us we will shoot" Beetee says I've never heard him this mad before and I have to admit I was scared of it. Fear crosses the mens faces as they pull out the weapons and put the in front of them. We move forward as a group to collect them when one of them jumps up

"Johanna watch out!" I scream as the man makes his move on her, she turns quickly and puts him in a head lock before bringing her knee up against his face he yelps out in pain as Johanna drops him to the ground and Kicks him his body goes limp and I tell her that that was enough we don't want to kill them.

"Stand up" orders Peeta I have to say his authoritative tone was rather sexy, I can't help but steal a glance at him his eyes lock with mine as he winks and pouts his lips at me, a shudder moves through my body and the meories of our time shower comes back to me

"Katniss, guys alright?" asks Beetee as he shoots the second security camera down. I try to speak but my mouth refuses to move with my eyes stil locked on Peeta I nod feeling all the blood rush to my face as I could feel Peeta's gaze still on my. It was like I was turning into some sort of animal because all I wanted to do was rip his clothes off, but I know right is definitely was not the time to think about... that.

"umm ummm" is all I can manage to say. Johanna walks up to me and gives me a shove taking my gaze off Peeta, It takes me a momemt to regain my balance and then my eyes find Peeta again, with him still looking at me I give a weak smile then tare my eyes from his. I had to think normally if this plan was going to work.

We place handcuffs around mens legs and wrists and drag them along the hall "We'll put them where the others are" Peeta says addressing all of us I nod and unlock the door

"Get in" I demand and push them in slamming the door behind them.

As soon as the door I turn to Peeta and wrap my arms around him "Yeah it's just what I thought, Beetee, there bodies have gone into shock they're scared there gonna lose each other... again" Johanna says as she crosses her arms across her chest and gives us a look to as of to say 'I didn't just say that', but I'm not quite sure why

"well that's quite cute isn't Jo?" Beetee asks but she just shakes her head before looking at me and peeta she turns around to Beetee again,

"You don't get it do you there never gonna leave each other side, there gonna be inseparable, we need then to think straight now" She says,but can't hide her laugh as Beette speaks

"Aren't they already, anyway they are stronger together" he says as he shoots the last camera and points to me and Peeta to which Johanna gaze falls on us and she grins as she finds me wrapped tightly in Peeta's arms, as he kisses the top of my head.

"Love you Kitty Kat" He speaks in my ear. Johanna just grunts and begins walking down the hall.

Authors Note

Hey so I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm sorry it's not very long, but I promise the next one will be longer

If you did enjoy please vote and also comment to give me an idea of what you think is going to happen anyway see you soon xxxx

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