Chapter 25

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Katniss POV:

*Please read authors note at end... Enjoy... btw photo to side is Fleur*

A few weeks later we buried our dear friend Ivo under a willow tree in the forest. We laid wild flowers on top of the up turned soil of his grave and said a final goodbye. Silently we walk back to the Capitol hand in hand through the rain.

A sleepy Logan clung onto Peeta's shoulders as Fluers hand loosened around mine.

The presidents mansion slowly got back to its original state. People from around the area helped tidy everything up. It had been agreed that no one will be appointed president now, by previous experience having a set ruler over all the people in Panem doesn't work out too well.

After an arranged election a few months after everything had been cleared up and settled down in peace, ten people were chosen to run the government of the country.

My stomach began to grow bigger and bigger until I had only a couple of weeks until Peeta and I had another two kids to look after. Feeling excited and nervous about the close arrival of our twins.

Happily watching the people of the Capitol relax and settle down to their life's, we left on the next train to district twelve. The people of Panem were now free to live their life's as they wished. Finally I felt as if I'd done good in this world. I've helped to settle the wars and now I have a prefect little family; I've even grown to like buttercup.

Every weekend Johanna and Beetee visited from their districts. Fluer and Logan visted Haymitch nearly everyday who would kindly take them to the meadow or the park so they could run around and have fun,

"Cherish while you can for one day they will leave and have families of your own" my mother said to me the day we arrived home.

I turned to smile at her and pulled her as close as I could manage with my swollen belly and hugged her as tight as I could.

As soon as Peeta joined us under the soft light of the moon in the back garden and wrapped his arm around us both, I asked him kindly to collet my mothers things from victors village, shocked my mother pulled back and started at me


"Mum come live with us; please"

Peeta squeezed my shoulders and whispered into my ear "What a lovely idea Kitty-Kat" and kissed my cheek.

I don't remember Peeta getting back, I had gone to bed as soon as he left. Half asleep I felt the bed lower as he climbed in but didn't acknowledge his presence.

Early the next morning I sprang up in my bed and attempted to grab hold of Peeta, that didn't work, I felt my hand connect with his face and the next thing I remember is starting at Peeta's red eye which I had just punched,

"What?!" He exclaimed

"It's time" I screamed in his face and shoved him out of bed.

Panic spread across his face as he jumped out of bed and fetched my mum.

As Peeta ran around downstairs after the kids who kept screaming about being hungry, I stayed upstairs screaming as the pain became harder to bare. With my mum by my side helping me every step of the way a small visits from Peeta I got through it. Peeta dropped the kids of with Haymitch without an explanation and rushed back through to me and stayed by my side until the last second.

Four hours later, two tiny babies lay in my arms, yawning as Peeta wrapped his arm around me "What do we call these beauty's?" He questioned as the boy clung onto his finger.

"I was thinking a remembrance of Ivo" I replied quietly

We stayed silent for a while until I whispered the name Ivy staring at my baby girl.

Peeta's grip around me tightened "It's perfect just like her" he said with a smile,

"Now for this little man" I told him as he kissed my forehead

"Well Ivy grows on rocks Kitty-Kat" he told me smirking

"Honey. You know I love you and all but we are not calling out son rock" I answered disgusted at the idea,

"I was thinking more along the lines of Brock Kitty" he kissed my neck causing me to smile.

Then we had it our second born son would be called Brock and our second born daughter would be called Ivy after out poor departed friend Ivo.

Peeta was sent to retrieve Fleur and Logan from Haymitch who immediately were brought up stairs to meet their brother and sister.

They instantly loved them as they say in front of me cuddling one another as they started at the small humans in my arms bundled up in blankets.

Now six months later my babies can sit up on their own and have a strange love towards blueberries.

My beautiful family of seven including the cat and my mum who now lived with us couldn't be more perfect, we have everything we need and for once I feel the happier than I have ever been before. If someone had told me before the games that one day I would marry Peeta out of pure love and create a whole family with him I would never have believed them but now I can't imagine a world without him or our perfect children.

Everything is just as it should be and I love it.

Authors Note:

Hello, I know what your thinking long time no update. I know I get it I'm sorry do here have an update on my life.

So these past few moths have been hard, after being at school after the holidays had ended I sat six prelims (so very busy with studying) but in that process I've bagged myself an A in music, B in English, C in biology, D in history, F in chemistry (I know terrible) and an F in French (completely mucked that up).

However that is not all, I celebrated my birthday so I'm a whole year older now folks!

Now for the hard stuff you may or may not remember a few chapters ago I put a really important authors note up explaining some things...

My grandad is fine and waiting to have heart surgery that's good news but its not so good news for my friend.

Cancer is a horrible illness and it sucks when someone loses the fight and at the age of 15 nearly a month ago now my friend sadly passed away, he is missed terribly, but we enjoyed one last night with him as we bought our prom forward so he could attend he was only there for about 10 minuets but it was a great experience, he'll never be forgotten and his legacy will continue #TeamJak.

In other news my uncle was also found dead in his flat a few weeks ago, so on top of everything that had just happened that put me back into the rut I was in, but it's okay we're getting through it.

Also I want to thank you all so much for the support of this book and I appreciate it so much.

I have also written the next and last chapter of this and feel exceptionally sad it's over but I'll see you soon with another update.

Love you all xxxx

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