Chapter Eight

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Whispers traveled around the hall as we walked in. My purple hair cascaded over my shoulders. I walked with a new kind of spring in my step. I felt so much better. Taylor was on my left and Pepper on my right. We exchanged grins as we walked, proudly, to the Hufflepuff table. I sat next to Ash who just stared at me with his mouth open.
"What? Is there something in my hair?" I giggled. He laughed softly still in shock.
"I was gone for one week!" He brushed a piece behind my ear.
"I needed something new," I grinned.
"Well you look hot," Danny Delucca and his entourage stood behind me. I hadn't spoken to him since first year. I slid out and stood face to face, inches away from him. "Guinevere."
"Danny," I scowled.
"I have a letter for you," he held out an envelope.
"Well," I started walking forward mockingly seductive. "You could take that letter," my voice started getting more sincere. "And shove it right up your hairy little-"
"Okay!" Ash and Mack jumped up and grabbed me, cutting me off. They walked me back to our seats. Pepper hopped up and grabbed the letter.
"Um, Gwen," the color drained from her face. "It's from your father." I gasped sharply.


It's time to come home. When Hogwarts breaks for the holidays you will be returning to Malfoy Manor. We have much to discuss.

Markus Malfoy

Later in the common room.
"Well?" Ash asked. "Are you going home?"
"That place is not my home!" I snapped. "Your home is my home!"
"Maybe you should go," pepper chimed in. She had been sitting very quietly which was completely unlike her. She was met with looks of confusion. "You haven't heard from him in five years. This could be important."
"No," Ash sat down in the window next to me. "Your never going back to that horrid house."
"Pepper's right," Taylor protested.
"No!" He fussed at her. "That whole society is cruel and I'm never letting you go back there!" He grabbed my hand and laced his fingers with mine.
"Ash, I think I should go," I whispered looking down so to avoid the look of horror on his face.
"GWEN!" He exclaimed. "You've told us about the horrible things they used to do. This isn't safe!"
"But he's my father...And I only get one."

The train pulled into the station. None of us had said a word the entire trip. I was wrapped in ash's arms. When we stood up he didn't let go of my hand the whole time. I stepped onto the platform and saw my fathers butler at the edge of the crowd. I hugged the girls and Ash. Ash didn't let go for a long time. When he did he handed me a crumpled piece of parchment.
"Its enchanted. I have its twin. What's written on one will show on the other. Don't be a stranger," he wrapped his arms around my neck. I hugged him with all my might.
"I won't. I'll see you soon," I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek. Then I turned and pulled my luggage cart toward Linconship, the butler. He opened the door to a black limo. The inside was a green interior. The Malfoy family crest was on the champagne glasses. Linconship started the limo which drove at about 400 kilometers per hour. In about two hours we rolled up to the one place I had counted on never returning to in my life.

I walked through the huge stone door and saw the grand marble architecture. My father stood on the second floor balcony.
"Guinevere," his voice boomed disgusted. "What has happened to your hair?"
"Father," I bowed my head for a second. "Why am I here?"
"I will give you an hour to make yourself at home. Then you are to meet me in my office. I trust you remember the way." He turned on his heel sending his coat tail flying.

I opened the double doors to my old bedroom. White walls, white furniture, white bedding. My whole life had been so boring. But it was exactly the way I had left it five years ago. I swung open the lid of my trunk. I pulled out my framed picture of Pepper, Taylor, Ash, and I and placed it on my nightstand. I pulled the note out of my pocket and hid it under my pillow. I kept my clothes in my trunk so I would be prepared to leave if need be.

I sat on my bed and opened the note.

Are you alive?

Was written in scrawled ink. I took the quill from my trunk to reply.

I am.

Good. I was worried about you.

Came after almost a minute.

I hate being back here. It has a funny feeling. I'm meeting father in a few minutes.

Be safe. I'll come get you if your not.

Thank you Ash.

I walked down the long hallways toward my fathers office. I heard voices from the other side of the door. I knocked softly.
"Come in!" My fathers voice rumbled. I creaked open the massive door. Danny's father and Mindi's mother stood from there seats in front of my fathers desk along with my father.
"Mr. Delucca, Mrs. Steward," I nodded my head.
"Guinevere, your so grown up," Mr. Delucca spoke venomously.
"We should be leaving," Mrs. Steward growled. They walked out as if they had sticks up there arse.
"Guinevere," my father motioned to the seat in front of his desk.

"You've grown powerful," he jumped immediately to his point.
"Why did you never tell me about mother?" I asked.
"You didn't need to know. Your power is very desirable."
"By who? The freaks?" I pointed behind me with my thumb.
"Bite your tongue," he gasped.
"How much money did Delucca offer for me to marry Danny?" I asked, inferring the subject of the previous conversation.
"That's non of your concern. However, a deal was made. You are to be married at the end of the year."
"What?" I jumped from my chair. "I'm fifteen!" I cried.
"What's the purpose of waiting another two years if it's going to happen eventually?" He seemed miffed by my reaction.
"I won't!" I screamed.
"I thought you might say that. That's why I'm going to offer you a deal. Marry Daniel in six months time and no harm will come your precious Cantilever's."
"Your a monster!" My nostrils flared and burning tears boiled. I hadn't felt this much pain since the night of the winter formal one year ago. The papers began to blow off of his desk and into a whipping tornado around me. He jumped up quickly and thrust a pair of rusted shackles onto my wrists. The wind died.
"What did you do?" I gasped.
"Your mother possessed the Inperimae ability. Did you really think I wouldn't know how to keep it under control?" He scoffed. "Guard!" He shouted. A man in a uniform entered. "Take her to the dungeon," he didn't give it a second look.

She's A Hufflepuff ~Book One of the Hufflepuff Chronicles Where stories live. Discover now