Chapter Four

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The next morning Pepper and I were walking to the bathroom when I decided to inquire about Ash's number five.
"Hey Pep,"
"Hi!" She grinned at me.
"Who's your best friend?" I asked.
"Hmm. That's a toughy! Probably Ash."
"Okay who else?" I tried again.
"Maybe, Taylor. Yes Taylor."
"Ew, that's so wrong!" I whispered to myself. "You sure there's no one else?" I tried one last time.
"Nope. But I'm hoping to make more friends this year! Maybe you'll be my new best friend!" She squashingly hugged me.

It wasn't long before snow began to fall soon the grand castle. I loved looking out my window at night and see the moon glisten off of the bare trees. Ice glistened off my special little stretch of creek where I had made my tree fort. I had laid down blankets and pillows and had a bookshelf and box of art supplies. I put an enchantment that I had learnt in charms on it so it was always warm and I could escape the cold.

"So, Gwen are you going home for the holidays?" Ash asked over breakfast one cold morning.
"Um, no. I won't be going home for a while," I tried to maintain a non depressed face for once. Then, Pepper gasped,
"You should come home with us!" You shouldn't be stuck here alone! Come it'll be fun. Won't it be fun Ash?" Pepper looked hopefully at her brother.
"Sounds great!" He grinned at me. "I'm bringing Duke Chandler home while his family is traveling so it'll be a party.
"Duke is coming!" Pepper squealed extremely high pitched.
"Hey pep?" Ash said through a mouthful. "Could you squeal higher? I don't think all the dogs heard you."
She threw a roll at him and him and I laughed.

When it came time to leave for Christmas we loaded onto the Hogwarts Express. Taylor, Pepper and I had our own compartment. We were soon joined by Ash and Duke. Duke was on the Gryffindor Quiditch team and was extremely muscular. He had spiked blonde hair and hazel eyes. He sat next to Pepper, Ash plopped next to Taylor and I sat on the floor under the window. I was finishing a sketch of my stretch of creek.
"That's beautiful," Ash leaned over and admired my work.
"Thanks," I replied as I signed it in the corner.
"Oh your not done yet," he said as he pulled the sketchbook from my hands." He pulled his wand out of his shoulder bag.
"Whoa! What are you doing?" I jumped for the book but he had already tapped it. I grabbed it back and saw the leaves in the trees bristling and the wind making ripples on the water. It was moving.
"Wow," I whispered.
"Hmm," he crossed his arms, rather pleased with himself.

Pepper pulled out her Polaroid camera and had the four of us crowed together for a photo just to show us all rolling out eyes at her and giggling at our uncomfortable positions.

When the train pulled into the station we said goodbye to our friends and the five of us got off together.
"Mummy!" Pepper suddenly took off running. When we caught up with her she was tangled in the arms of her mother. Renee Cantilever was a flouncy, jingly, small Hispanic woman. She had scarves and jewelry dripping from her patterned robes. Her hair was a mush of tight brown curls with random beaded and dyed pieces. She kissed Ash on the cheek leaving a streak of shimmery pink lipstick.

We took a cab to a small forest and stopped just outside it. We began walking through the woods.
"Hey Pepper?" I asked as we lugged our trunks through the woods. "Where are we going?" She looked at me with a soft smile on her lips.
"Home," she replied sweetly. After a minute of walking we came to a huge tree with tangled branches twisting out almost horizontally. Renee whispered something in Spanish and upon the branches a house formed with a pointed roof and a staircase winding down to the ground.

"Welcome to Casa De Flores," Pepper squealed excitedly and ran up the beautiful crafted wooden staircase.

The house was light and airy and covered in plants. It was bigger inside which I assumed was the work of magic. It had a sort of 'cabin in the woods' vibe. Colorful paintings and tapestries covered the bright walls. Throw pillows swallowed the low furniture and hammocks were scattered around. Books, candles and suspiciously colored vials and bottles littered shelves.

I loved it. It was so different than the squeaky clean, monochrome world I'd been raised in.
"Come on!" Pepper grabbed Taylor and my hands and pulled us up a staircase. She pushed through a beaded curtain and I entered the brightest, most colorful bedroom ever. The mattress was on the floor and had layers of blankets and pillows. Potted plants hang from the ceiling and books and jewelry and figurines were set on shelves and tables.

Two hammocks hung with bedding on them.
"Mom set those up for you two," pepper gestured to the hammocks. "Taylor your dad will be here in three days."
"Pepper, this is the most incredible thing I've ever seen in my life!" I spun around, basking in all the colors.
"What is?" Pepper flounced on her low bed.
"Everything from the taxi till now!" I laughed. "It's all so beautiful!" I sobbed. She ran and threw her arms around me and Taylor.
"Welcome home Mi Hermanas!" And for the first time ever I was actually looking forward to being home.

She's A Hufflepuff ~Book One of the Hufflepuff Chronicles Where stories live. Discover now