Central Park

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"I'll have a Chicago" you told the vendor, pulling out a bill from your jacket pocket. 

You could barely feel your fingers as you held out your payment, the icy winter wind biting at your limbs. 

It was a frigid January in New York, Central Park's once lush, green trees now bare and dead.

You sighed, rubbing your arms up and down your sides in a feeble attempt to keep warm.  Jeez, this hotdog was taking forever!

"Make that two Chicago's" called a male voice behind you.

You whipped around in lightning speed, and was met with a green eyed man, a mop of dark blonde hair atop his head.

A few little freckles adorned his face here and there, and to top it all off, full lips pulled into a playful smirk.

You subconsciously blushed, taken aback by how handsome the stranger was. 
Good thing your cheeks were already slightly pink due to the the cold. 

"So Chicago, huh. Favourite kind?" said the man, a grin lighting up his features.

"Yeah, well it is my hometown.  I guess I was feeling a bit sentimental" you sighed, a small smile lifting the corners of your mouth.

"Oh no way! I have family there, visit all the time.  And it is a good hot dog" he exclaimed, genuinely surprised.

You chuckled, gazing down at your sneaker clad feet.

"Ma'am, your hotdog's ready" called the vendor behind you.  "Yours too, mister".

You turned and took both of the wrapped dogs  from the counter, handing one to the man.

"So what's your name?" you questioned, as he took the Chicago from your stiff fingers.

"Oh, it's Cole.  Yours?"

"(Y/n), nice to meet you".

"You too! Hey, do you wanna go for a walk?" he asked, his mouth already stuffed.

"Umm, sure?"

You weren't too sure about the guy, but you decided to take a chance and just go with it.

"Great! Sorry if I may come off strong, if you don't want to then that's totally fine".

"No! It's okay, I would be happy too".

"Thank god, even I thought I was being a bit creepy" Cole confessed, lightly running his fingers through his dark blonde locks.

"Hah! Seriously, don't worry about it" you voiced, beginning to walk down one of Central's many wide brick paths.

Cole sidled up next to you, polishing off his meal and tossing the napkins in a nearby trash can.

"So, what are you doing in New York?" he inquired, glancing over at your profile.

"I'm attending NYU, second year. It was a tough move, especially from Chicago, but it was definitely worth it. I love the city" you explained, tucking a stray strand of (h/c) hair behind your ear.

"Oh my gosh! I'm at NYU too, third year! What a coincidence, I can't believe we haven't at least crossed paths on campus".

"Yeah, what's your major?"

"Archaeology. You?"

"That's so interesting!" You exclaimed, impressed. "Mine is Art Hist--"

Before you could finish, you tripped over your feet and into a snowy bush.

Wow. Smooth move, (y/n).

You groaned, holding your bruised head as you tried to clamber out of the greenery, but to no avail.

Meanwhile Cole just stood there, trying not to crack up.

It evidently didn't work, as he burst into fits of laughter only seconds later, clutching his stomach and pointing down at your grounded figure.

"Hey! A little help here??" you yelled, glaring up at him.

"Ye--yes of course, of course" he beamed, still chuckling to himself quietly.

Giving an exasperated sigh (although you were secretly amused at the situation), you reached up for his extended hand, his fingers enveloping yours in a comforting warmth.

Heaving yourself upwards, your hand and Coles' remained clasped, the two of you staring into each others eyes, small smiles played across each of your lips.

"Wait. Your hands are freezing, oh my god" Cole stated, taking your other hand and holding the tinged blue fingers out.

"Hehe, yeah I forgot to bring gloves, I left them at my flat"

"Ahh, that sucks! Here, let me help" Cole proposed.

Before you could fit in a word, he brought your hands together and up to his mouth, breathing warm gusts of air into the small pocket of space in between your palms.

You were shocked. Your parents used to do this to you when your were little, on those cold winter days when even gloves wouldn't help keep your digits warm.

"Wow..... thanks Cole" you whispered, your heart melting a little at his sweet gesture.

"No problem" he answered, looking up to meet your eyes once again.

You drew apart, but your fingers remained interlocked, now toasty warm.

"Let's keep walking, shall we?" you brought forth, glancing to your side at Cole's smiling face.

"Of course".

Cole Sprouse x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now