Vinyl Shop

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You took a deep breath, inhaling the musty scent of the vinyl shop.

You loved this place.  The dim lighting, the records stacked in every available corner, but most of all the man who worked behind the counter. 

Eyeing the dark blondie, you began to flip through the classic rock boxes, admiring the cover art of each record.

Lynyrd Skynyrd, Kansas, Led Zeppelin and--

"Ooohhh, my favourite!" you exclaimed to yourself, pulling out a Best of Eagles album.

"Really? I love them too" a voice said behind you.

Whipping around, you were met with Cole's smiling face.

No, you weren't creepy, the counter guy had a little pin on his shirt with his name on it. 

"Oh! Heh, yeah, I've been listening to them since I was a child".

You couldn't help but blush a little at how close the two of you were.

"Wow! You're a long time fan then" he smirked, shoving his hands in his jean pockets.

"You could say that...."

"So, want me to cash this for you?" Cole proposed, moving towards the front counter. 

"Yeah, that would be great!" you replied, watching his figure as he strolled over to the register. 

Following behind him, you handed the Eagles vinyl over to the ocean eyed man. 

"That'll be $15.00" he stated, after carefully scanning the barcode.

You held out a 20.  "Here you are".

"Thank you, and that'll be 5 in change...."

You smiled, taking the bill from his outstretched hand. 

Your fingertips briefly connected, and an unexpected tingle traveled up and down your spine.

"Okay, bye then!" you spoke hurriedly, grabbing the record and striding over to the creaky front door.

"See you around!" Cole called back at you, waving a single hand at your receding figure.

As you came out into New York's sunny streets, you broke into the widest grin possible.  

Every time you saw that guy your heart soared, making any day special no matter how bad you felt. 

But a few minutes after you broke into a brisk walk, a familiar voice broke the relatively quiet neighbourhood din.

"Miss, you forgot your bag, wait up!"

Turning around, you saw Cole running towards you full speed, your white tote bag clutched in his hand.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I completely forgot!" you explained, as he finally reached you. 

"Do-don't worry about it" he replied, a little out of breath.

"Thank you so much, not many people would do that" you told the tall guy, taking your bag from him once again. 

"No, it's no problem.  And I did want to ask you something..... would you like to go for coffee sometime?"

You were astounded.

How could he actually want to go for coffee, with you? You always feared that when you finally got up the courage to ask him out, you would be rejected on the spot. 

"Ummmm, Miss? Are you alright? If you really don't want to then I--"

"NO! I mean, no, I would love to" you rushed out, a bit flustered by the whole situation.  "My name is (y/n) by the way".


"I know, I've read your name tag" you chuckled nervously, looking down at the gum covered sidewalk. 

"Haha! Yeah, I guess you would have.  Here's my number, give me a call anytime".

"I'll take you up on that offer" you replied, taking the small slip of paper. 

"That would be lovely.  Okay, I should probably get back to the shop, so I'll see you soon!" he parted, giving me one last grin as he made his way back.


Resuming your walk, you laughed to yourself like a little girl, the simple thought of a date with Cole making millions of butterflies flutter in your stomach.

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