Aura 2: Easy Training & Schnee Party

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{«Chapter 2»}
<10 years later>

In a open field behind a massive Victorian style mansion two figures were trading blows. One was a middle-aged man with almost gold like blonde hair and the other was a young boy with an unusual, pink, hair color.

Jacques was truly surprised by his son's battle prowess, it was honestly incredibly how quickly Natsu picked up fighting in just a month since they began training. Jacques was suspicious  of Natsu in the beginning but gradually began to ignore his son's abnormality. While it's a shame that Natsu couldn't wield a sword without looking awkward and a fool, he was utterly incredibly in hand to hand combat.

Looking at his son who was slowly tiring, Jacques stopped causing Natsu to jump back and get into a defensive position, the blonde haired man chuckled at his son, "Well done Natsu, but that'll be all for today."

Natsu sighed before dropping his stance, "Okay."

"Here." The older Arc tossed a bottle of water to his son who caught it and began to drink from it.

"I'm going to take a shower, make sure to clean the area up. Alright." Jacques said as he gestured to the different equipment that were thrown on the grassy landscape. 

"Yeah sure." Natsu said nonchalantly as the older Arc nodded his head and walked towards the mansion.

"Fuck." Natsu cursed squeezing the plastic bottle, he was too weak at this rate he might as well be used as a meat shield when fighting the Grimm.

While Natsu had his semblance to 'match' Jacques' blows, he still didn't have his old strength, speed or stamina to actually fight the old Hunter on an equal footing, and that was a major blow to his pride as a Dragon Slayer.

It had been 10 years since he was born as Natsu d'Arc, he has 6 older sisters and one younger sister. June, April and May had graduated from Beacon Academy and were professional Huntresses, while Bianca and Hazel were dating some guys. And as the years went by Natsu's Aura grew powerful, but it still nowhere near its original power, and the reason for that was because how weak his body was. Hell because of his weak body he couldn't even use his Dragon Slaying Magic and he hardly had any access to his Curses.

(A/N: I know that Natsu chose to be human.....but fuck that shit, I'm going to have Natsu be an Etherious Demon with Dragon Slaying Magic. I think that way Natsu is more of a badass, also being human is overrated.)

"There has to be a way for me to get stronger. I've spent thousands of years traveling the world. I should have something in my arsenal that would allow me to improve by the second." Natsu muttered as he was in deep thought, then Natsu smacked himself in the face, remembering an idea he got from watching Dragon Ball Z.

"I'm going to kill myself one day for being so stupid. [Gravity x2]." Natsu cast a Gravity spell on himself. What he had in mind was absolutely insane, but if it worked then he would truly get stronger.

"Shit." Natsu cursed as fell too his knees, everything felt heavy, his organs, bones, skin, hell even his hair felt heavy.'How did Goku get used to this?'

The pinkette calmed down and  waited for a few minutes to allow his semblance to kick in and adjust his body to the sudden gravity change, "Okay if I can feel comfortable with this much force exerted on me for a month then I will increase the gravitational pressure by 2 and so forth for approximately 24 months, so by  The end of the 24th month I would have to withstand over.... 16,777,216 times Remnant's gravity!"

(A/N: Exponential formula for 2^24. The first month doesn't count.)

Natsu paused for a few seconds, "....I am going die aren't I?" Natsu asked no one in particular.

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