Rings and Water

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"Why the hell do I keep getting these?" I ask myself, yanking pink cards from my locker's door frame. The enchantment on some of them set off when I touched them, mini-fireworks shot into the air around me.

"Cuz' you're a hot piece of Nerd-Ass." laughed Alden, being the world's worst locker neighbor. He slammed his locker closed, and caused even more, love letters to fall out of mine.

I bent over to pick up the fallen cards, only to have my butt slapped by Alden. A good punch to his face solved that problem.

Alden flew back, colliding into a boy walking behind him. They both disappeared under a cloud of flying papers.

"What the fuck?" screamed the boy, ignoring the teachers beginning to surround the scene. The boy formed a time bubble, moving all the papers he dropped back into a neat pile in his arms.

Professor Aide grabbed Alden and the other boy by their forearms, using a strength spell to help. "What do you to think you're doing?" he hissed. He proceeded to scold Alden and the irritated boy for causing such a commotion.

I felt awkward to be standing there while the two boys were being scolded. I inched myself into the bustling hallway crowd, trying to blend in. I managed to get a good twenty feet away from the scene.

"You're not going anywhere, Freya!" shouted the fuming professor. Aide summoned his familiar, a large black bear. The bear yanked away my bulla, taking away my magic.

I almost jumped up to grab it, but the bear pointed back to the scene. I glanced back to see that the other teens had their bulla removed too.I walked back, the bear guiding me with a firm grip on my upper arm.

The creature stood me in front of both the boys and Professor Aide."I saw how the entire event transpired." stated the Professor, "I saw the way you used a strength spell to punch Alden harder. You, Freya, should know how that's against school rules."


"You heard me, Freya. You used a strength spell to attack, my boy Alden here." answered the Professor, patting Alden on his shoulder.
I snapped over to the boy that Alden had knocked over, hoping for some form of back-up.

The boy delivered.

"I heard him call her a 'hot piece of Nerd-Ass'. He slapped her butt too. If you ask me, that's sexual harassment." the boy answered, keeping constant eye contact with Aide.

Aide hummed with suspicious eyes, moving his gaze to Alden. "This complicates Alden's account. Alden, do you care to explain?"

Alden's eyes widen at the boy's sudden admittance. His mouth opened and closed rapidly for a few seconds before snapping shut. Alden shot me and the brunette boy the scariest death glare I've ever seen.

Professor Aide removed his enhanced arms from the boys' arm, ordering his familiar to do the same to me.

"You two need to head off to class. I'll handle Mr. Alden here." The Professor hissed, realizing that Alden had duped him.

The boy walked up to me, jerking his head to the side a bit, as if to say, "Come on!" I pulled on my bookbag and went to the boy, beginning to walk with him.

"That was a close call for you, wasn't it?" the boy asked, laughing."Yeah, it was. I don't get into trouble often but when I do it often involves Jerk #2 back there." I joked, pointing back to the scene.

The boy laughed, throwing his head back. "I'm Ezio, you?" he asked, sticking out his hand.

I took his hand or tried to at least. I found that I was still carrying the love letters from my locker. I threw down my bookbag, opening it and cramming them in there. I couldn't close my bookbag due to the sheer amount of letters.

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