She's Perfect

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"I was so horribly awkward.

She's so amazingly wonderful.

And of course she only notice me after..."

~Writing Prompt from "The Writer's Creation" 

by "The Writer's-Corner" 




The hardwood desk made a thumping noise as my mid-back hit it. Pain shot up my spine as another punch collided with my abdomen. The blood in my mouth was nearly choking me as the punches kept coming. My left arm shot upward, in an attempt to protect me from the constant assault, but it was caught and pulled behind my back at an awkward angle. 

"I think that Tristan has learned his lesson," Brock said, smirking at my pain. His fist slowly unclenched and moved away from my bruised and bleeding body. I slumped to the ground and rested my back against the desk behind me. 

The horde of muscled men around me left, all of them happy at the pain they had inflicted on me. The last to leave was Brock, the leader of the pack. His arms bulged out of his sleeves and the look of content in his cold eyes gleamed in the bright fluorescent lights overhead. 

He grabbed my collar, pulling me off the ground and hissed into my ear, "Leave Isabella the hell alone, Freak." He dropped me, causing me to hit my head against the desk. He strolled out of the room, never turning back at the damage he caused. 

"Scumbag," I said, struggling to stand up even with my arms supporting me on the desk. I spit out the blood in my mouth and staggered myself towards the doorway. The hallway of the school was completely devoid of any life. 

My car was in the parking lot and after walking for what seemed to be miles, despite it only being a couple hundred feet. My beat-up minivan looked as beat up as I was, the dents being the only predominant feature aside from bright paint. 

I opened the door of the car and stepped in, careful not to mess with the box in the passenger seat. I looked at my face in the rearview mirror and saw that my eyes were completely blue and purple, my usual blond hair was now highlighted in red from the cuts on my scalp. 

I was done. I'm doing it today. 

I entered the address into the car's ancient GPS and set off for Isabella's home. I needed to talk to her. I needed to tell her today.

I know that I'm horribly awkward and that she's amazingly wonderful, but I need to tell her. She's perfect for me in every way. From her dark brown hair to her tan skin, she was beautiful. Her green eyes sparkled with beauty and her perfect little hands that always allowed her to pass with flying colors in all her classes. She was absolutely perfect, that's why I needed her. 

The GPS estimated that it would take me a good 10-12 minutes to get to my destination. I know that I had to review exactly what I had to do before I got there. It was crucial that I knew how I was going to do this, it could mean failure or success. 

I had to tell her about how I feel, but she'd probably ask who I was first. Not a problem, she'd fall in love with me at first sight. After all, I did when I saw her. She was going to tell me that she loved me too and we would live happily ever after.

What if she didn't love me back? Well, if I couldn't have her, then nobody could. That's why I had the box in the passenger seat. Her love could surely be bought by the tokens that I had collected from her over the years. An old used tissue, some napkins that had done work as scratch paper, a microscopic pencil, and a pair of panties that I had stolen off her family's clothesline filled the box. 

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