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"This is the day that your children become adults, ready for the world of the Gods' food." announced one of the Northern Continent's Chefs, smiling down at the parents of his beloved students. "I have seen these children grown into the wonderful chefs they are today!"

Cheers erupted from the audience.

"I may be sad to see them go but I know they will one day become the Gods' chefs! May they feed strong!"

Cheers erupted again, accompanied by a series of Chef hats flying into the air.


"Can you really believe we are now Continent Ranked Chefs?" asked a female friend, rubbing the rim of her new hat.

"Barely," responded Mered, shaking his head. He was gripping his own hat, crumpling and uncrumpling the edges.

"I'm just glad to leave," chimed his other friend, "I thought School would never end."

"Are you two really heading off to the Northern continent?" muttered Mered, down casting his eyes as his red hair hung limply.

"Yeah," he and the other girl replied.

"So, I'm the only one going to the East?" shakily questioned the teen.

"Afraid so, but don't worry!" smiled the girl, "Remember that going there shows that you're truly the best among us! It's closest to becoming God's Chef, after all..."

"Honestly, Dude," sighed the boy, "You're really lucky to be going. Hell, half of us would give up anything to be in your place."

"I know... Just..." trailed Mered, "I hate being alone, especially in a new place."

"Well, you won't technically be alone." pointed the girl, "You'll have Nino and Aggie."

"I barely know them! How am I supposed to team up with them if it takes me actual effort to remember their names!" groaned Mered, pulling at his hat.

"Chill!" calmed the boy, patting his shoulder. "You're going to be fine!" 

"Yeah..." Mered mumbled, putting on his hat properly. 

This wasn't his first time feeling a chef hat's power. He had become used to the sudden enhancement in his senses and motor skills from years of using his parent's hats. Everyone knew that they weren't allowed to share hats or use them before graduation, but everyone still did. 

"You know," sighed his male friend, placing his hand on the red-haired man's shoulder, "You can still call me. I don't really care what your ranking is. I'm not jealous." 



The screeching of the train's brakes woke Mered from his restless sleep. He snapped up in his seat, his eyes darting around, trying to figure out where he was.

"Relax," Nino groaned, "We're here." The tanned man's face turned into a scowl as he looked down on Mered. 

Aggie pulled their bags from their train carriage's carry-on shelf. She tossed the red-haired man his bag, startling him in his state of half-sleep. The woman sighed as she exited the cabin ahead of the other two, rolling her and Nino's respective bags behind her.

The sheer size of only the train station terrified the young adults. Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people bustled through the confined space. The decadence of the marble stairways, gold trimmed door frames, and silver banisters were almost too beautiful to look at. 

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